Discussion medical examination in general
Total: 2694

Female Pediatric Exam Memories

I’m curious how other women were examined by th…

Modesty at exams for children, teens & young adults

My pediatrician i went to in the 80s and 90s di…
76 Replies

How Common Are Enemas

I notice a lot of users on here describing enem…

Doctor pulling foreskin down to expose the head.

I love the feeling of the doctor pulling the fo…

Examination of the foreskin

Guys: How old were you at the last examination …

Undressing completely from the beginning?

Some folks here, have already posted that they …

Has your Pubic hair been commented on during an exam?

Anyone ever have any incidents with their pubic…

Semen extraction during a play exam?

For male patients who have participated in a pl…

Cardiophile e-patient equipment

Are you a cardiophile online patient? If so, wh…

Do any of your friends know you have a medical fetish?

Do any of your friends know or have any inkling…

Medical Nostalgia - What were exams like in the 1980s and 90s?

Hey everyone. I know its a popular subject to d…

Has anyone ever had an erection during a urodynamic test?

Has anyone ever had an erection during a urodyn…

Men in Stirrups

How many other men here would consider or prefe…

Gloves or No Gloves for MALE Genital Examination

Men---When you are receiving a genital exam dur…

What makes you so excited to be examined in roleplay?

For those who prefer to be on the receiving end…

More embarrassing for an older brother or sister?

Which do you think was more embarrassing, an ol…

Anus exam as a kid

Did anyone’s doctor examine their anus when you…

Have a medical student examine you?

Is it anyone with a great memory of a medical s…
22 Replies

School exam with teacher as chaperone ?

Some people here have said that they had physic…

Men Are You Shaved, Trimmed or Bushy?

I know that a large percentage of the ladies he…

Dermatologist... Full body skin exam

The first time I had a full body skin check was…

Strip/Cavity Searches

One of my biggest interests are strip and cavit…

Showing soles of your bare feet

Have you ever had to show the soles of your bar…

Have any med students listen to you with a stethoscope?

Tell about how it was? Were you auscultate by m…

Do you prefer male or female REAL doctors

Hey guys just want to ask if it really matters …

Hated Part of the Exam

There is a topic "Favorite Part of the Exam", w…

Being watched by a parent when having an exam

Just curious. Has anyone besides myself had the…

Examination/Inspection by health carer other than a Doctor

Has anyone had an examination or inspection by …

Ever been subjected to an anoscope?

Anyone have any stories to tell about a real li…

2010-2024 physical exam experiences?

I feel like physical exams have changed a lot s…


Just curious if any of the females here have ha…

Turn on words in medicals

Does anyone have a phrase that turns them on? W…

Have you ever had an orgasm during an exam or procedure?

Guys and girls just curious if any of you have …
60 Replies

Testicular exam

Guys, how thorough was the doctor when providin…

Standing Genital Exams With Parent in the Room - Which Way Did You Face?

For those guys who got their genital exams grow…

What’s your experience with the pinworm test?

I grew up in Asian and in 1st snd 4th grade we …

E-stim in Play Exams

Has anyone had success incorporating a bit of e…

Getting ears checked

Just wondering if anybody else like having thei…

Childhood Foreskin Exams

Getting older I have learned a lot about being …

Military Physical Examinations

Any one remember their first army physical. a l…

Longitudinal Growth and Development Study

So, I have been on Zity for years and I have oc…

Ladies — Exposure at exam as you get older

I’ve noticed over the years that my wife seems …

Do you like being 'exposed' at the doctor?

Once I had groin pain, was unsure If it came fr…

Rectal exam for appendicitis

When I was 9 or so, I got a terrible stomach ac…

Guys, would you be a teaching patient for genital, rectal exams?

@DJHunny posted a question about if we would ag…

Thoughts during abdominal exam

What thoughts run through your head when you ar…

Masturbation after well visit

Did anyone else, back when they were discoverin…

Medical checkup routine

How would your childhood/adolescent checkups pl…

What is the moment you most anticipate in an exam?

What is the moment you most anticipate in an ex…

Current Foreskin Standards

When I was younger they used to wait until 8 or…

Story research question - Rectal exam as part of your physical?

I’m doing some research for a story ive been ki…

First Genital Exam

I was just wondering when was everyone's first …