Completely naked for a doctor's exam? I'm a guy.
Pennsylvania, just to the west of Philadelphia. My family's pediatrician when I was growing up. A one-doctor private practice in a small standalone building. The child or children were weighed clothed at the end of the hallway. The required parent and the children were ushered by a nurse to one of the six(?) exam rooms. "Everything off but your smile", no underwear allowed; children in diapers could keep their diapers on until the exam. The required parent sat in the one chair in the room, the children sat naked on carpenter-made exam tables (think kitchen cabinets height and style), no crinkly paper, just a very thinly padded dark green, good quality vinyl top, your butt stuck to the vinyl if the humidity was off. Behind the two exam tables in each exam room there were large, good quality mirrors on the walls, great for watching your naked sisters from all angles practice their gymnastic poses while they waited, waited bored. On occasion, my sisters and I spent more than two hours stuck in an exam room waiting for the busy doctor - completely naked the entire time - there were some interesting, memorable naked ballerina performances there. If you're naked, there's less of a desire to run out to the waiting room to get a magazine or a puzzle - you just shut up and sat there, sat there in front of a glaring mother or father who was there to supervise, they were there because they had to be there, the practice required it. There was natural light in half of the exam rooms but wavy glass obscured vision through the windows.
The marvelous physician was less competent than a very poor nurse-practioner of today. The physician had his private practice and hospital privileges at one small hospital and two medium size hospitals. -- Additionally (not related to his skill as a physician) -- He was NEVER on time; parents and their naked children sat in the exam room until he had a chance to visit, sometimes he wasn't even in the building when the children first went to the exam rooms.
The parent usually read an old magazine and sat, Children sat there naked, bored, with nothing to do in the exam rooms. You could only go through the skinny drawers of the exam tables so many times. I never saw my sisters in bathing suits or naked at home - it just didn't happen. Were it not for our regular and the occasional urgent doctor's visits I would never have seen the development of their pubic hair and its slow color changes. As best I can tell, there were no exceptions to this always naked exam policy. My hope at every visit was to see some exam room door briefly open so I could get a glimpse of a girl, a girl who wasn't my sister.
I spent a lot of time sitting naked in those exam rooms.
In several ways I find it easier to know in advance the state of undress at the doctor's exam. In this practice everyone was expected to be completely naked at the very beginning of their visit; there were no negotiations, no special treatment, no "I'm special"; "you wanted a pediatrician's visit for you kid? Here's the way we do it for every child, accept it or go elsewhere" Complain to your neighbors whose children visit the same pediatrician - they will all tell you the same consistent story - you know what to expect for this practice, don't feign complete surprise.
I liked my doctor visits (well, most of them)
One of the three regular nurses at this office always made me happy, she gave me a feeling I didn't remember experiencing before. At the beginning of a visit for the patient's temperature, two of the nurses would just put a glob of Vaseline on a glass mercury rectal thermometer for my temperature and slide it into my butt. The other, the third nurse, did something different - it felt good, really good, a very nice feeling; I think she put Vaseline on her finger, moved my butt cheeks apart with her other hand, then she would stick her finger in my butthole and then twist it around once or twice. It was fantastic! At a very early age, probably around age four, I thought this was the best feeling ever. I can still remember all of the details very clearly, I'll never lose those memories. This was the first time I clearly got an erection, a nice feeling, a new experience at age four. All of the nurses always held the glass thermometers in place with their hand resting on your butt for the three or so minutes; there were no oral temperatures at this practice, that's what the doctor wanted - a minimum of problems with young patients. A side benefit was each of the children got to watch up close their siblings receiving their own rectal temperatures, a learning experience. Can you complain about receiving a rectal temperature when all of your brothers and sisters also get them?