Total: 921

Pictures of childhood home

Anybody else ever find old photos of their home…

Rectal temperatures without knowing it.

Have you ever had your rectal temperature taken…

How far was your underwear lowered for a rectal temperature?

When the thermometer was inserted into your lit…

Rectal temps when you were a kid

When you were a kid, did your parents take ever…
84 Replies

Did your friends know you were having rectal temperature taken?

As a child of the seventies rectal temperatures…

Most exciting part

Which is the most exciting part about RT for yo…

What is your favorite childhood word for your butt?

To this day, hearing the word "tush" or "tushie…

Different reading from digital and glass mercury rectal thermometer.

I came down with a cold this week, and I took a…

Putting Vaseline onto the rectal thermometer before insertion

During the time when my temperature was taken r…

How far to you insert the rectal thermometer

How far should you insert the rectal thermomete…
13 Replies
All the way in
2 weeks ago

Pacifiers and Rectal Temperatures

Sometimes I like to regress back to my baby day…
16 Replies

Best thermometers for RT

Any particular recommendations for the best rec…

Cheeks separated or not?

What always amazed me was how my mom could inse…

Favorite Positions for Temperature-Taking

What are some of your favorite rectal temp posi…

Spanking and RT

Although some members don't associate RT with s…

Rectal temperature in a medical examination

Have you ever had your rectal temperature taken…

Rectal temperature partners

Have you had any rectal temperature partners ? …

Most erotic rectal temperature position ?

In your opinion, what is the most erotic rectal…

Old Nursing Texts and Rectal Temperatures

Does anyone else like reading through old (pre …

Could rectal temperatures be considered “Medical Trauma”?

Medical trauma has been defined as emotional an…

RTs in books but omitted when made into a movie

“Will there really be a morning?” This is the t…

What is the best way to take your own rectal temperature?

What is the best way to take your own rectal te…
23 Replies
4 weeks ago

How do you like being told?

Are there any specific words or phrases that yo…

Was your temperature taken rectally due to lack of other thermometer?

Thinking about this real-life episode: https://…

The current flu surge: Did it get you a rectal temperature taking?

There is much information regarding the current…

Some xxx content of rectal temps?

Hi, does anyone know where I can find amateur v…

Tops and color of the thermometers used on you rectally.

Came across two of what I consider great image…

Why are rectal temperatures seen as taboo or lost art these days

Why don’t doctors and nurses do rectal temperat…

Feeling too old for rectal temperature taking by mom

How old were you, when you started to feel emba…

Does it matter who takes your temperature

Who would you rather have taking your rectal te…

Rectal temperature taken at collège admission medical exams.

Reading various posts on this site, I understan…

LADIES: Daily rectal temperature measurement for monitoring of cycle

Ladies! How do you feel about daily rectal temp…

Temperature under the blanket?

Have you ever taken your temperature while lyin…

What is your favorite position to receive a rectal temperature?

I love the across the lap position….my husband …
79 Replies

How long do you leave the rectal thermometer inserted

How long do you keep the rectal thermometer ins…

Boring partner

I’ve had a couple of girlfriends who balked at …

Thoughts when rectal temperature taken

What are your thoughts when you take your recta…

RT as a gateway to other anal play

Does anyone else view RTs as a gateway to other…

Taker female skirt

When the female who took your temperature on he…

Tracking core body temperature

I’ve recently seen online articles about women …

Rectal temp at the same time, with another person.

I tried to search and don't think this topic ha…

Insertion distance.

I read somewhere that the warmest place in the …

Regularly taking a temperature for discipline

I heard of cases where rectal fever was taken r…

Embarassing situations when your Temperature was taken rectally

Do you have some expiriences which are espacial…

Substitute for a rectal thermometer

I was curious if anyone out there has ever inse…

Toxic Lubricants

I just saw a video, that warned people to avoid…

Pushing the thermometer out

When you had a thermometer in you did you ever …

Younger brother/sister in the exam room when rectal temperature taken

I wonder if there are rectal thermometer enthus…

Did your babysitter take your temperature rectally?

Did your babysitter take your temperature recta…

Has anyone had RT in front of other family members or friends?

My brother and I had ours taken in front of eac…