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The Caretaker- Rainy day enemas

Rainy day enemas

"So Jenn tell me about Tim. Any idea of his background? What does he do if he's not taking care of the horses and property?"

"Well Kate, he is local. He grew up with horses and with his father did a lot of breaking or training of young horses for eventual sale. He was active in local horse shows and according to Mother he was one of the top riders in the area. He was not only successful in equitation classes but went undefeated in timed events for a couple of years running."

"So as you said he is quite impressive?"

"Absolutely. We consider ourselves very fortunate to have him here. He is also a working musician playing both drums and guitar"

Kate replied, "A talented young man, and quite handsome as well. Ever do any sleep overs?

"No Kate, that's a bridge too far, and stepping out of bounds, especially since I am one of his employers. Not like I haven't thought about it. I will admit after a couple of episodes with him I rushed back here to get myself off. But if you like, go for it girl."

"I can see you doing that Jenn. And I just might go for it. So have you told him what we have in mind for tomorrow?"

"No, not yet. I thought we can tell him after dinner."

"And you believe he will be ok with it?"

"Yes, definitely. He is very obedient. He will do as I ask. Now, let's go for a walk. I will show you the camp and the cottage."