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Views: 818 Created: 9 months ago Updated: 9 months ago

Embarrassing Max

You seem to have fun

Lauren blushed. Did she really have to reveal her most intimate fetish even more? But had she not always fantasised about embarrassing male patients? The conversation so far had excited her. „Excitement“ was a term she liked to use for „arousal“, it just sounded more innocent.

„Well, everything, Max. We need to make sure that your whole body is healthy.“ Paula smiled, now things got interesting. „I would start by taking your vitals: pulse, blood pressure, temperature.“ Lauren did put some emphasis on „temperature“ hoping to provoke a reaction from Paula or Max. And indeed Paula said: „How are temperatures taken at your clinic, Laura?“

Laura blushed again. It would be now or never. „Strictly rectally, this is the most accurate way!“, she proclaimed with increasing „excitement“. „But this is so embarrassing, doctor“, Max said. He was fully erect now and rightfully feared that the girls might have noticed. „Are you running a fever,“ Laura said, leaning towards him and placing her right hand on his forehead. He used to be extremely embarrassed when his mum did this when he was a little kid. „He must be hot“, Paula added. „Do you have a thermometer?“, she asked Laura playfully, not expecting that the answer could have been yes.

Laura hesitated, was she going too far? She did indeed have a thermometer, a European style glass model made by Geratherm. She had purchased it on Amazon fantasising that she could use it on someone else at some point, but had never used it on herself. How would she be able to explain that she owned this kind of thermometer, and not a modern digital one? But then again, had she not given away much more of her most intimate secrets tonight? „I do have a thermometer, it’s in the bathroom cabinet“, she said.

„I‘ll get it“, Paula‘s answer came surprisingly quick, she raised from the armchair and left Lauen and Max alone in the living room. Lauren‘s right hand was still placed on Max‘ forehead. He was speechless, embarrassed but fully erect. Lauren had noticed the latter and slowly put her left hand between his legs. He could even feel the vintage Rolex explorer on her left wrist.

„You seem to have fun, Max“, Lauren smiled.