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Views: 915 Created: 9 months ago Updated: 9 months ago

Embarrassing Max

Which treatments do you offer?

It was almost 3am, most of the guests had already left Lauren’s party. Paula, Max and Lauren were sitting in Lauren’s living room. Lauren on the couch next to Max, Paula opposite of them in an armchair. The three of them were having „one last round“ of gin and tonics, when Paula said: „So tell us Max, in Lauren‘s clinic what type of treatment would you need to undergo?“

Max blushed. He thought he had closed the topic off with a good laugh earlier this evening in the kitchen, but Paula insisted: „Would you need to get your braces tightened?“ „My, my braces?“, he stuttered, visibly uncomfortable. But still he noticed the feeling he had felt many times before when girls had just looked at his braces: his was sexually aroused. The more directly Paula (and now also Lauren) looked at his mouth, he could feel his penis growing and hardening. Luckily, he wore a pair of heavy jeans so that his arousal should not be noticeable too easily for Lauren and Paula.

„Why are you wearing them at your age, anyway?“, Laura asked. Max could have died of embarrassment, but equally his arousal grew. „It‘s my second time“, he said. „I had a first round of braces from when I was 16, but earlier this year my orthodontist noticed that my overbite had returned and suggested that a get another round of braces.“ He had never spoken about that so openly to two attractive women slightly older than him, and could feel his embarrassment and arousal growing.

„Did you still go to your orthodontist regularly?“, Lauren asked. Max blushed again when he admitted that he still had regular follow-up appointments because his was a particularly severe case. „Did you also have these type of braces that go around your neck? How are they called, headgears?“, Paula questioned. He was grilled. „Yes, had these as well“, Max said, purposely omitting that he still had one of these and should have put in his headgear a long time ago tonight in order to complete his prescribed 16 hours per day.

He needed to stir the conversation away from his braces now if he did not want to ejaculate in his jeans.

„Which type of treatments do you offer, Lauren?“ He had put her on the spot.


Svensson 9 months ago