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Views: 372 Created: 2021.09.28 Updated: 2021.09.28

Cote d'Amour

Part 3: Pool party

Last night I had already imagined and pictured what surprises the coming day in Rosi's villa would have in store for us. When the warm rays of the sun finally woke me up through the tarpaulin, I saw that Lena was already awake and was pondering something. "Good morning my darling," I whispered sleepily to her. She reacted only hesitantly and her sweet smile, which charmed me every morning anew, was missing in her eyes. She gave me a little kiss, but I realized immediately that something was wrong. She slipped her upper body out of her sleeping bag and sat down. "Do we really have to go to Rosi?" She broke her silence. "I thought you were looking forward to this trip," I replied, a little surprised. "Yes - already ..... but ....." "Honey, what about you?" I asked worried and began to gently massage her neck and bare back. "I'm looking forward to it too, but when the day is so - well, yes - so erotic ... well, as cool as the last ones - then ...." "What then?" I asked. "Then I will soon be seen as the number 1 village slut in our clique." I stopped my massage with astonishment. "Robbie in particular can hardly keep anything to himself," Lena sighed in resignation. Unfortunately, I had to agree with her. When in the next moment someone was tampering with the outside of our tent zipper, Lena quickly grabbed her T-shirt and held it in front of her bare breasts. When she saw that it was Manni, however, she let it sink again. After a few words, my best friend was privy to our problem and already knew what to do: "Of course you go to Rosi's house, you can only take care of yourself, and I'll keep the others off your neck."

At breakfast together, Lena's mood had improved enormously and she was now looking forward to the upcoming trip. Reiner, Robbie and Walther, who all just called Watson, were amazed when we told them about the invitation to a millionaires villa. Robbie thought the whole thing was a conquest of Manni, Lena and me none of the three brought it in connection. When the six of us were finally in the old, trusty VW bus on the serpentine path high above Saint Gerome, the tension grew immeasurably. I was the first to see the street sign "Rue Jean-Pierre Martin", half covered by some pine branches. "There it is," I proudly announced, "Rüh Schoh-Piärr Martäh". "Listen to our French again," Reiner smirked from the back seat. When we drove towards the wrought iron gate a minute later, it opened as if by magic. After a little more than a hundred meters we had reached the villa built in Roman style, which was framed by pine trees and date palms.

We had hardly got out when Rosi appeared with a happy hello on the marble terrace that stretched between the villa and the huge pool, which was a little deeper. A few paces behind her followed a tanned, black-haired beauty of about twenty years old, a fruit cocktail in her hand. Rosie greeted us one after the other, very French, with kisses on the right, left, right. "May I introduce you to Denise, my niece? - Denise, that's Lena, Manni, Curt - and - I haven't been introduced to the others yet" Lena caught up with that immediately: "They are Watson - I mean Walther, Robbie and Reiner "Denise also gave the obligatory welcome kisses. Then we all followed our hostess to the seating area, which is covered with an awning, right by the pool, where chilled drinks were already waiting for us.

"It's a fantastic pool," praised Watson, "that really turns me on". He didn't take his eyes off Rosi for a moment, who wore a tight, gold-colored thong and only hid her lush bust behind a slightly transparent pareo. "Don't force yourself," Rosi encouraged us, "that's what our pool is for after all." She showed us the small, half-open changing rooms behind the arcade arches at the edge of the pool. In a few minutes the whole group had moved and happily hopped into the crystal clear water. Rosi watched us from the edge of the pool while Denise made herself comfortable on one of the wide loungers. "Lena, will you come with me?", Rosi waved to my loved one. Lena swung herself out of the pool, the water glistened on her delicate brown skin and her seductive white bikini, then she followed Rosi and Denise into the house.

Our eyes fell out of our heads when the three women returned to the pool about twenty minutes later and took up positions on the edge. All three wore skin-tight dresses of the same design, shoulder-free and belly-free, the upper and lower part connected at the sides by three gathered stripes, the skirt cut at an angle, the right leg completely free, the left knee half covered. Each wore a different color: Denise in black, Rosi in fire red and my Lena in white, each with high-heeled sandals in the same color. "Close your mouth before you drown me", Rosi laughed at us. The other two laughed too and slowly began to dance on the edge of the pool. Rosi fiddled with a radio remote control, whereupon Je t'aime sounded softly from hidden speakers around the pool. The choreography was practiced, Lena started, while Rosi and Denise withdrew to the area of ​​the loungers. Lena actually preferred shorts and skimpy tops to dresses, but in that white, exotic touch she looked more seductive than ever. She stretched her arms up and slowly began to circle her hips. Then she took off her high shoes and danced barefoot between the loungers and the pool. Not only I, but also my buddies admired the flawlessly shaped legs with the beautiful feet and the shimmering nails of my only 1.67m tall dream woman.

With a small bow, Lena ended her performance and sat down next to Rosi. Denise, who took on the second part, stopped briefly in front of the loungers so that the boys got out of the water and sat at the edge of the pool to see their show better. Denise first played with her silky shiny black hair, pulling a strand through her red lips over and over again. Then she ran her hands up and down her sides and hips several times in order to then tamper with the little brass chain over her cleavage. Finally she pulled the top of the dress down with one swing and covered her breasts with her hands. We were almost breathless, although Manni and I in particular had expected something like that. In the next moment she finally revealed her small, firm breasts with the hard red nipples, which she then stroked with her long fingernails. Finally she completely detached the top from the lower part and threw it backwards with one swing. Then she knelt and bowed low, we all applauded. Rosi swapped places with Denise just as the last notes of Je t'aime faded away. She began to rock wildly to the sound of rock in her red dress, then presented her breasts still covered with her hands and slowly loosened the straps between the top and the skirt. We thought that in the next moment she would drop the top, but she grabbed the skirt and tore open the side snaps with one swing. Then she stood in front of us with her legs apart - down without!

"Well, do you like that?" Rosi laughed at us without moving. We swallowed and nodded wordlessly. "But we girls also want to see something - your tails!" she commanded, laughing, but dominantly. While Manni and I were prepared for it and after a brief hesitation began to pull off our bathing trunks, Reiner, Watson and even Robbie, who was usually never shy, were not sure whether to obey the command. I got help right away, because Lena was standing next to me and helping me out of my pants. Denise joined Manni and admired his huge part, which was already clearly standing up. After all, we boys were naked and watched Rosi, who lay down on the front bed, undid her top and took off. Then she spread her legs with the red sandals and slowly began to caress her pussy with the short, black hairs. With her middle finger she slowly massaged her clearly visible pleasure point, then she inserted a finger between her wet, shiny labia. "And - who would like to take a closer look at that?", She asked with a horny undertone and looked at us one after the other. Lena now had my love scepter in her hand and massaged it to full force. Manni devoted himself to Denise's breast buds, which she acknowledged with a slight moan. The other three, who stood in the middle in front of Rosi, caressed themselves to full size. "I won't be told twice!", Robbie finished the crackling tension after Rosi's question with his typical macho voice. He let go of his tail and stepped over to the couch on which Rosi was waiting with bent legs. Without losing a moment, he put the tip of his glans between Rosi's pussy lips and pushed his manhood into her open vagina as far as it would go. "You're in a hurry," commented Rosi, slightly defensive, "take it easy, we have time". Robbie didn't seem to hear her at all and began to fuck like a man possessed. After half a minute he withdrew and poured a huge gush of semen on Rosi's stomach. "Well, maybe you're such a hero to me," sighed Rosi, slightly disappointed, "was that about all?" Each of us had to grin slightly at Robbie, who always and everywhere made a great, unbeatable lover. Only now did Robbie wake up from his ecstasy and felt ashamed that he had disappointed Rosi's high expectations a little. Slightly frustrated, he retired to one of the rear berths while Rosi cleaned up.

"How about you two?" Rosi turned to Watson and Reiner, who hesitated after what had just happened. Lena, who was still wearing her white dress, decided to kneel in front of me and carefully took my stiff penis into her sweet mouth. While she skilfully massaged my buttocks with both hands, she began to blow me passionately. Manni had meanwhile peeled Denise out of her skirt and was looking for her pleasure grotto with his hand. All too willingly she opened her long, slender legs and admitted his tender fingers. She leaned her back against Manni and both began an infinitely long, intense French kiss. "Come on, I won't bite!", Rosi repeated her invitation to Reiner and Watson. Then she got up and pulled the two of them to her on the couch. "Lick my pussy," she urged Watson, lying back comfortably and opening her thighs. I wasn't sure if Watson had done that before, but he placed his blond lion's mane between Rosi's legs and used his tongue, which was not visible because of the lush hair. Rosi, who seemed visibly satisfied with the treatment, meanwhile grabbed Reiner's hard boner with her hand and slowly pulled our youngest buddy closer to her. "Not bad, your lust donor," she praised before slowly licking the tip of his glans with the tip of her tongue. Reiner knelt on the couch and leaned his upper body back slightly. Rosi, who noticed that the boy was still lacking in experience, took Reiner's penis very gently on her tongue and began to suck it, taking short breaks, during which she licked his testicles with her tongue. Reiner quickly put off his initial uncertainty and shortly afterwards began actively to fuck Rosi's hot mouth. Finally, to give Watson a little more comfort, Rosi lifted her legs and pulled her knees against her chest. Now we could clearly see how Watson pulled his tongue over and over again along the insides of Rosi's pussy lips and then pampered her hard clit with the tip of his tongue.

I couldn't take it anymore, pulled Lena up from her crouch and unbuttoned her dress. Then I leaned down on her and started pampering her pink nipples. Finally I pulled her onto the bed two meters to the left of Rosi's love nest. I was about to bend my face over her sweet pussy, but she pulled me back by the shoulder and pushed me on my back on the bed. "I want to feel you deep inside me now, my darling - immediately!". Lena stepped over me, grabbed my big, hard one with her left hand, put it between her pussy lips, which were wide open with pleasure, and simply let herself sink onto me, penetrating her hot vagina as far as it would go. For a long moment we quietly enjoyed our intimate union, then Lena began to ride me skilfully. My eyes wandered to the pool where Manni was lying flat on his back and Denise was kneeling over him in the 69 position. Two had found each other straight away.

Rosi let Reiner's cock slide out of her mouth, raised her head and looked at Watson's mane between her legs. "You do it very well! But if you want, you can fuck me right now". Watson's expression again reflected a slight uncertainty that he had almost completely put aside during his previous tongue game. But then he straightened up and looked contentedly into Rosi's eyes. With his fingers he got from Rosi's pussy juice and spread it on his penis. Finally he put Rosi's legs with the red shoes on his shoulders, and with pleasure pressed his waiting scepter into Rosi's hot crack. While Watson started with slow fucking movements, Rosi took Reiner's cock, which she had been waxing gently the whole time, between her lips again and was now sucking harder and harder in Watson's fucking stroke. After a few minutes Rosi began to squirm back and forth faster and faster. "Iiiiich kooome" she yelled in a violent explosion of orgasm. Watson could hardly hold back any longer, withdrew from Rosi's grotto and poured himself so hard on her stomach and breasts that it even splattered her forehead. Reiner also felt that he couldn't control himself for much longer and wanted to withdraw from Rosi's mouth. Rosi sensed that it could be so far at any moment. She grabbed Reiner's waist with both hands, preventing him from retreating. Reiner made one last, brief attempt, then silently consented to Rosi's request. For a few moments he helped and actively fucked Rosi's oral cavity again, then he exploded with such a force that his juice spilled in thick drops from the corners of Rosi's mouth. "Crazy, you are two super guys!", Rosi praised her two young lovers. "I'll leave you alone for a few minutes, then you can swap positions afterwards", she whetted Reiner and Watson appetite for a later sequel. Then she got up and danced slowly to Manni and Denise, who had made themselves comfortable on a cushion right by the pool.

Denise was now kneeling between Manni's legs and licking his love balls. "Well, mon Ami," smiled Rosi, "you will definitely like the great joy donor". Denise agreed without lifting her head. Rosi gave her niece a loving pat on the bottom, then she knelt behind Denise and began to work her wet column and her small butt hole with her tongue. After two minutes she gave Denise a light push so that it fell directly on Manni's chest. Then Rosi grabbed Manni's cock, which was sticking up thick and hard between Denise's legs, and took it into her mouth. Alternately she sucked on the cock and pussy, then took Manni's super part and inserted it into Denise's vagina. She acknowledged it with a pleasant moan and began to fuck Manni's cock according to all the rules of the art. Satisfied with her "communication skills", Rosi rose and turned back to Reiner and Watson with three cocktails that she had brought from the villa.

It would have been a perfect day now if Robbie hadn't been hanging around on his cushion so lonely. It was, as we all secretly thought, a well-deserved little damper for someone who liked to fill his mouth and brag about various amorous adventures - and yet I felt sorry for him. Even Lena, who was still passionately riding on me, did not hide our friend's bad mood. "Cheer up, Robbie - it'll be fine," consoled my little one, adding her legendary pout. "I can't watch that anymore," she finally whispered in my ear and waved Robbie over to us. Her concerns from the morning were obviously gone. In any case, it was hardly to be expected that Robbie would trumpet the experiences of today. "You have to come a little closer if I am to help you," instructed Lena Robbie and pulled his arm close to her. Then she took hold of his penis, which at the moment didn't really want to play along, with her right hand and began to jerk him off intensely, but without any noteworthy success. "It doesn't work like that," she said and got off me. Then she turned her back on me, lifted her right leg, and motioned for me to go back into her. In this position she leaned over to Robbie and first took the tip of his tail, then all of his lout in her mouth. While she was blowing him hard again, she also massaged his scrotum. "May I fuck you too?" asked Robbie Lena, his self-confidence was restored. "Is out of the question", she answered firmly, "only one person is allowed to do that!". "Come over to us," Rosi lured Robbie from the next bed. No sooner had Robbie left us than Lena's pussy began to twitch wildly. I held back and continued to fuck intensely. "It'll be the same for me," I breathed. "Wait, wait", Lena stopped me, quickly pulled her pussy from my penis, turned around and devoured my already twitching friend just in time before I poured myself into her mouth in several violent cascades.

There was high life on Rosi's lounger. Reiner knelt behind Rosi and made his first acquaintance with such an experienced pussy. Watson got a blow job from Rosi at the same time, like Reiner before, he also took an active part in it. Robbie as the third member of the group was currently "only" processed by hand, but that should change soon. A loud, two-part moan from the pool indicated that Denise and Manni were heading for the climax. It seemed like love at first sight for both of them because they didn't care about the other activities around the pool. Reiner was also just before the hosed down and asked Rosi if he should withdraw beforehand. "You can inject in if you want", he got the answer, then it was time, in lustful eruptions he discharged himself into Rosi's pleasure grotto. Watson took advantage of the brief moment of Rosi's inattentiveness and wriggled away from her mouth and grasp. As soon as Reiner's cock slipped out of Rosi's vagina, Watson pushed his buddy aside and pushed his own boner deep into Rosi's body. Then he pulled it out again and squirted his sperm over Rosi's buttocks. In his ecstasy he tried to sink his twitching glans into Rosi's rosette, but before he understood that Rosi had actually allowed that, the peak of his pleasure was over and he let himself fall exhausted on the bed.

"Well, you two lovebirds, was it nice?" Rosi turned to Manni and Denise, who came from the pool to their lounger bathed in sweat. Then she glanced at Manni's mighty tail with a smile, which was imposing even when it was flaccid. "I'd like to have that too," she breathed to Denise, "in my bottom. Manni thought he had misheard and laughed in amusement." Impossible, "he commented." Why impossible? "Rosi asked." Much too big, "Manni shook his head." It depends on the attempt, "Rosi persisted." Never works, "Manni tried to end the subject." Definitely, - bet? "" Bet? - about what? "Rosi thought about it and finally came up with the idea:" If you can do it, you can spend the rest of the vacation here with Denise, if not, - buy a huge bottle of champagne. Should I give up, then - I'll give you my Porsche! ". Manni's eyes widened." You can do it, mon Amie, "cheered Denise," for my sake "." And what will become of me? ", Robbie scolded softly sat next to Rosi, still unsatisfied. "You? - you do the prick! "suggested Rosi, and then, turning to Denise:" and you, Cherie, prepare your new boyfriend for me! "Denise withdrew with Manni to the right lying surface, while Rosi continued to wank Robbie's penis With the other hand she fumbled a tube of lubricant from under the cushion and pressed it into Lena 's hand. "Honey, you can prepare me for the event," laughed Rosi, got on her knees and elbows and stretched her tight buttocks in Robbie didn't hesitate for a moment and moved behind her. He pulled his glans two or three times between Rosi's cum-moist labia and then wanted to start at her back door. "Wait, wait," Lena stopped him, opened the tube and distributed a large one Amount of fragrant gel on Robbie's stand. Then she rubbed Robbie's latte slowly and deliberately until it was smeared through and through. Then she dipped a few drops of gel on Rosi's rosette and spread it with the Fingers. "Hm - I have a better idea," thought Lena, slowly circling Rosi's anus with the four centimeter long tube tip and slowly inserting the tip. While squeezing out some gel, she slowly moved the tube back and forth. "Ok Robbie - it's your deal" Lena turned to our buddy and pulled the tip of the tube back. Everyone could almost hear Robbie's heartbeat as he brought the tip of his tail into position on Rosi's anus. He pressed gently against it, Rosi did the rest himself and Robbie's hard beating plunged into this new world. For a long moment both remained motionless, then Rosi encouraged him to continue with a "you can fuck me properly now".

Denise had meanwhile turned back to Manni's powerful manhood and let her hot mouth slide over it. After a short time she had already brought him back to full size. Since Rosi and Robbie were still in action, Denise used the time, slipped off her black sandals, lay down on her back and pulled her black hairy pussy wide apart with her hands. Manni did not hesitate and gently and soulfully pushed his oversized hammer into her waiting vagina. Robbie fucked Rosi's bottom with relish and made sure not to come too early with his movements. Lena actively intervened in the action, grabbed Rosi's pussy from behind between Manni's legs and stimulated her pleasure bud. After a few moments Rosi came with such force that Robbie thought he was in a vice and stopped his movements. Only when Rosi's mega orgasm had subsided a little and she relaxed her butthole, Robbie could continue to fuck. But now he couldn't be stopped, his thrusts got faster and faster, finally he stopped and poured his hot semen into Rosi's anus in several eruptions. "Great - just great, I knew that you could be a good lover", praised Rosi Robbie's performance and made him almost forget the first lapse.

When Denise saw that her aunt was ready, she gently pushed Manni away, skilfully put a condom on him, grabbed the tube with the lubricant and put a lot of cream on the transparent preseer. Then both switched to the middle bunk, where Rosi was already waiting and everyone else had taken their standing seats. "And how?", Manni wanted to know from Rosi. "Lay down on your back!" ordered Rosi. Then she too took off her shoes and stepped, legs apart, over Manni's abdomen, her back to him. With her left hand she held on to Watson's arm, with her right hand she grabbed Manni's cock and led him between her buttocks. As if on command, all spectators except Watson crouched down so as not to miss a moment. This racial woman who was sexually experienced and eager to experiment was, in every moment of her action, the whole director, at the same time also the leading actress, and put her own pleasure satisfaction behind a sensational action. Getting involved in an anal encounter with Manni could not be a pleasure for a woman, at best a "sporty" performance or even a trophy-like experience. The union progressed very slowly, although Rosi tried to relax. She rose slightly several times and then tried again. "Are you giving up?" asked Manni. "Never!" Rosi answered resolutely and lowered her pelvis again. While we were all paying attention to Rosi's face, the sensational thing had happened downstairs: Manni's thick glans had disappeared completely into Rosi's anus. "Yeah!" Rosi shouted, confident of victory, and let herself sink a few centimeters further. Then she leaned back and propped herself back with both hands. Manni had penetrated about halfway into Rosi's bottom. "Is that enough for you to win?", Rosi asked the group. Everyone agreed that the task was successfully completed. Only Denise wanted to offer her lover a special treat. "That's not enough for me, I want to see you fuck!" she demanded. Rosi's facial expression showed that it could hardly bring her pleasure, but she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of her niece and slowly began to move her pelvis back and forth, which meant easy penetration and extraction of Manni's cock. "I just want to warn you, I'm going to spray, and then it'll be a little thicker again," gasped Manni. "Please don't," pleaded Rosi. Denise had an understanding and pulled Mannis to the bursting thick stick from Rosi's anus, who let herself fall to the side, exhausted but satisfied. Denise quickly pulled the preseer off Manni, then she took the already twitching penis as far as she could in her mouth and hugged it with her red lips. A few light fuck movements were enough, then Manni sprayed with a scream, so that his juice poured over Denise's lips. However, she only stopped with blisters when Manni had completely relaxed. Finally, she gave him a big kiss on the navel. All satisfied spectators applauded for a long time before the naked troupe cooled off in the pool.

When we said goodbye hours later, Rosi, Denise and Manni waved to us until we were out of sight. Three days later, when we left the campsite, Denise took Manni with her aunt's Porsche to the reception. Unfortunately he had to go back to work next Monday, otherwise he would certainly have stayed longer. The long, deep kiss goodbye gave us an inkling that it was only the beginning of a great love.


I hadn't heard from him since Manni went abroad for an assembly job in October. My best friend was also missing at the New Year's Eve party. When I celebrated my birthday in the spring, there was a postcard in my mailbox "Greetings - Manni" - that was all. But when we saw the return address, everyone had to smile: Rue Jean-Pierre Martin, Saint Gerome, France