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Views: 566 Created: 2021.09.18 Updated: 2021.09.18

Cote d'Amour

Part 1: Lena, Manni and me

Lena and I had been looking forward to our camping holiday on the Cote d'Azur for weeks. Together with four friends from our clique, we would enjoy two weeks of sun and sea in southern France. Lena was especially looking forward to extensive sunbathing, I was looking forward to interesting snorkeling dives on a rock that fell particularly deep into the sea. We would have our peace and quiet in front of our buddies during the day, because they were more likely to be found on the lively sandy beach between banana boats and windsurfers. On the first day, Lena and I were looking for a secluded spot right on the rock with its breathtaking diving grounds, which I already knew from the previous year. The seclusion of the place encouraged Lena, who at 18 years of age was otherwise a little shy about getting a tan seamlessly. When I wasn't chasing after the fish on the underwater steep slope, I was happy to share this pleasure with her. In the evening it was fun to examine each other in the shower for the increasingly disappearing white stripes on our skin.

On the morning of the fourth day of vacation, shortly before we all left the campsite, Manni, my best friend, said that he didn't feel like going to the overcrowded sandy beach today and would therefore come snorkeling with us. I noticed immediately from Lena's expression that she didn't like it at all. But finally I was able to convince her that Manni was the quietest guy out of the whole clique and not like the other three looking for a party and a ballerina feeling all day. When the three of us first enjoyed a long bath in the Mediterranean after arriving at "our" rock, Lena's mood was ok again, and she laughed and joked around with Manni and me. After we were out of the water, she was visibly relaxed again, took off her bikini top without comment and lay down on her stomach. "I'll put some cream on you first, my darling," I said to her while I was looking through the beach bag for the sun lotion. She nodded and I rubbed her shoulders, back and legs carefully. The bikini panties were annoying, but as I knew her, she wouldn't take them off in Manni's company. So at least I put some cream on the edges under my panties, "... so that you don't get sunburned either," I smiled. "Shall I put some lotion on your back too?" she asked us. "Only after the dive", I replied, got up, grabbed my diving mask and fins and jumped into the water. Manni followed me while Lena put her sun hat over the back of her head and dozed on comfortably.

When I got out of the water first after half an hour and shook the salt water from my hair down Lena's back, she startled, turned around and sat down. Only after a few moments did she realize that she was presenting her bare breasts to Manni for the first time. She wanted to quickly lie down on her stomach again, but then felt pretty silly and sat down again. Manni stared enthusiastically at her splendor, which Lena obviously liked, because she straightened her upper body a little more so that her pale pink nipples stretched seductively forward on her slightly tanned breast. "How was it?" she wanted to know. "Just great," replied Manni, still out of breath from diving. Lena took a bottle of mineral water and sunscreen from her beach bag. "First take a sip, then I'll put some cream for you." There was already something erotic in the air, and I really wanted to see where it was going. "Get that wet annoying thing off," I said, taking off my trunks before laying on my stomach.

While Lena began to apply lotion to me, Manni wasn't sure what to do because he hesitated for a long time before he also took off his pants and lay down on his stomach. Lena first put cream on my shoulders and back, then up my feet and legs. Then she turned to my buttocks, which she massaged particularly extensively, repeatedly glancing over at Manni, slightly stubborn. "Done," she said, gave me a pat on the back, then switched to Manni. I watched as she put cream on his shoulders, back and legs, hesitated for a long time, in order to save his bosom from getting sunburned. "Do you apply cream to the front of me?" Lena asked me and lay down on her back. I didn't let myself be told twice. I sat down next to her, crossed my legs and made sure that my incipient erection wasn't too visible. "Should I help you ?" asked Manni. "If you want," Lena anticipated the answer. She enjoyed being looked after by two guys at the same time. While Manni took care of her lower legs and feet, I first took care of the area around the shimmering green bikini panties and then the area around her charming breasts. Manni turned to Lena's left arm, then looked at me questioningly. Without thinking I nodded imperceptibly, after which he let go of his arm and slowly began to spread sunscreen on Lena's left nipple with two fingers.

"Can you help me ?" - We were startled quite roughly from our (beautiful) activity. Next to us stood a woman in her mid-thirties, whose air mattress had fallen into the sea from a ledge a few meters away from us. "It drifts more and more, I don't dare to go that far, and you have already proven that you are real water rats." I cursed inwardly, put on my swimming trunks while sitting and jumped into the sea, Manni followed me. Lena and the strange woman, both topless, watched us go. With some effort we reached the air mattress, which had been driven off almost 40 meters by the light offshore wind, and paddled back with it. "Thank you both," said the woman, "... and have fun". Then she climbed back over the cliffs to her berth and after a few moments was no longer to be seen.

"Phew - that was exhausting" snorted Manni, who had swallowed quite a bit of salt water during the "mattress rescue". We lay down on our backs to the left and right of Lena, still out of breath. Lena leaned over me and sucked tightly on my mouth. Her nimble tongue felt for mine and played around it faster and faster. "So my hero, now it's your turn," she interrupted our tongue play, pulled off my wet swimming trunks with a swift movement of the hand and splashed a large gush of sun lotion on my stomach. "You too !" she ordered, turning to Manni, and pointed to his trousers. Completely surprised, he obeyed and got rid of the superfluous textile. I was amazed; was that my Lena, otherwise always rather reserved, and now the hot-blooded beauty? I had always been very satisfied with my manhood, well proportioned and ideally sized. However, what my buddy got out of his pants was a good deal longer and thicker. Lena looked amazed at this huge cock, but then she leaned over to me and began to apply cream to my chest and stomach. In between, her hands kept going down to my thighs and, as if by chance, kept touching my slowly swelling latte and my scrotum, which hung thick and heavy between my legs. Despite his huge penis, Manni couldn't come up with such a big, beautiful sack.

Finally, Lena only took care of the center of her interest, took my cock in her left hand and slowly began to jerk it off. Then she bent down and began to tickle my glans with the tip of her tongue and lick the sensitive underside a little. I have never been able to get her to engage in more oral engagement in the past, but she mastered this tongue game very well. After half a minute she straightened up again, looked carefully at my now fully erect cock and said resolutely "So!". Then she bent down again and gave me, as often, a gentle kiss on the tip of the glans. I thought that, as always, this would be the end of this treatment. but instead of pulling her mouth back, she slowly opened her lips and let my penis slide gently into her mouth. She paused like this for a few seconds, looking up at me and looking deep into my eyes. Then she started slowly at first, then getting faster and faster to fuck me with her sweet mouth. I looked over at Manni, who was jerking his giant hammer with his hands and was staring at Lena and me, fascinated. After a few minutes, Lena released my hard-on from her mouth, sat down next to me and poured a splash of suntan lotion on my stomach while masturbating me with the other hand. Then she straightened up completely, crossed her arms in front of her chest and said in a stern voice, "So what, can't you control yourself a little? - and the same applies to you over there!" Then the played rigor gave way to a happy laugh.

Suddenly she leaned very close to me and whispered in my ear: "Do you think he likes that too?" "Sure - what man could say no?" I whispered back. "Do you think I .....?" she whispered in a sensual voice. "You can try it - if you want," I gave her my consent. She kissed me once more deeply, then turned over to Manni on her knees, turning her small, firm butt towards me. Manni let go of his cock when Lena smiled at him. Then she grabbed his huge part with her right hand and slowly began to jerk him off. A moment later she was licking his thick glans and slowly took the tail as far as it went in her mouth. Manni groaned loudly when Lena began to blow it passionately, occasionally letting it slip out of her mouth before she let it disappear as far as possible between her lips.

Only now did I realize that my darling was still wearing her shimmering sea-green bathing trunks and began to pull them down inch by inch. Although she still held her thighs closed, I saw that her sweet pussy lips glittered in the sun from the moisture. I knelt behind her and got on all fours. Then I put my tongue gently on her closed crevice and tickled her feminine splendor with the tip. She thanked me with a soft, long groan as she gave me the way and spread her knees as far as possible. I was at the goal of my search and caressed her sweet clitoris that she would have lost hearing and seeing if she had not been busy with Manni at the same time. She let go of Manni for a moment, turned her head to me and whispered sensually: "Come on now, my darling, I want your hard, beautiful .... ahhhh". I got on my knees and put the tip of my tail exactly where my tongue was. Lena expected our union in the next moment, but I took my time, took my cock in my hand and slowly led it up and down along her column - up and down ..... Only then did my glans seek the entrance to Lena's Sheathed and slowly slid into her as if by itself.

I didn't have to wait a moment, because Lena immediately began to move slowly towards me. She always liked it slow and soulful, and so I fucked her very tenderly. Slowly my dear darling rose into a real erotic intoxication, with each penetration of my penis she also pressed her butt against me, while she alternately sucked Manni's huge part and jerked her hand. Already after two minutes Lena exploded in a mega orgasm, her pussy twitched, vibrated and sucked my cock deep inside.

Even before I came to cum, she pulled her bottom away from me, let Manni down and turned to me. "Put it in my mouth, my darling, I want to taste you now," she breathed, still out of breath. "And what will become of me?" protested Manni. Lena looked at me, then at Manni suddenly at a loss. "Maybe ..." she stuttered and looked at me even more questioningly. "Why not?" I replied, ending her uncertainty. I got up and stood at Manni's feet. Lena crouched over Manni, her back turned to his face, her hot pussy directly over his testicles. Then she took hold of his cock, led his thick glans between her labia and tried to take him in.

"It doesn't work that way - he's soooo big," her voice had a slight touch of despair. "Come on, I'll help you," I comforted her, gently pressing her down so that her back came to rest on Manni's chest and stomach. Then I lifted her legs all the way up and started working her pussy with my tongue. While I made her more and more wet, her vagina opened more and more and became loose. "So my darling", I finished this interlude, "now it should actually work." Lena crouched down again like at the beginning, put Manni's piece back on her sex gate and slowly sank down, the huge penis slowly dipping up to two thirds of its length into her vagina.

She beamed at me all over her face, satisfied with the successful union. When she saw me staring at the event, fascinated, she propped herself up with her arms, leaned back low and proudly presented the thick penis in her vagina. This sweet, relaxed and natural manner was among other things one of the reasons that I loved this woman so incredibly. She stayed in this pose for half an eternity, enjoyed the situation and relaxed her pussy more and more. Then she gently began to fuck Manni's cock. "But please don't spray into me, that there is only one" she gasped when she came to her second orgasm shortly afterwards.

Now she leaned forward and reached out her hand to pull me close. Greedily she swallowed my waiting stand, sucked and blew me faster and faster until I felt the juice rise in me. "Honey, I'm coming," I yelled as I squirted in her mouth for the first time (ever). "Yes, give me everything," she confirmed between the first and second splash, then sucked and sucked ... until there was no more drop. "I'll be right there too," warned Manni. Lena quickly took his cock out of her vagina and continued to jerk it with her hand until it too poured out in thick splashes. We all three looked at each other speechless as we packed up our things and left our lovely Rock. Everyone knew this story was far from over.

will be continued...


curtina 3 years ago  
wetandwild09 3 years ago  
superego 3 years ago  
highndry 3 years ago