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Views: 749 Created: 2018.04.29 Updated: 2018.04.29

The Wellness Institute

Part II: Enemas du Jour

This is a continuation of the story where my wife Sharon and I were sent on a wellness retreat by my employer.

After Sharon had finished her enema, Tori left, we got dressed, and went down to breakfast. Again, we were pleasantly surprised at the tasty and nutritious fare. Afterward we went to a group discussion on nutrition followed by a yoga session intended for beginners. Even on this first day, the combination of events and activities had us feeling terrific. After lunch Sharon wanted to try horseback riding while I went for a round of golf. By the time dinner time came, we were tired, but it was an exhilarating tired. Following dinner and a social hour where everyone recapped the activities of the day (although everyone had gotten enemas that mornings, the topic never came up) we retired to our suite. Again with no TV we decided that lovemaking was the best thing to do and enjoyed it more than we had in years—hmmm.

The next morning, it was the usual routine of getting up, showering, donning our robes, and waiting for the knock on the door to announce Tori’s arrival. It came right on schedule and when she entered the suite said, “Are you ready for the enema du jour?”

It brought snickers from Sharon and me, but then asked what it would be. Tori told us that this morning she had lemon juice enemas for us. We had never even heard to this, but with Tori’s friendly demeanor, both of us followed her to the procedure room to see what it was all about. Out of her canvas tote came two thermos jugs each containing about a quart of warm liquid.

“I have the pharmacy make up a quart of warm concentrate, which I will pour into your enema bag and then add another quart of warm water to make just the right amount at just the right temperature,” she said as she prepared my enema. “Yesterday you had an oil enema because I needed to get you on a level playing field and didn’t know how regular you might be. The oil and its soapy rinse took care of that. This morning you both have systems that are pretty much functioning equally. The lemon juice is good for detoxifying you and, off course, will clean you out a bit more. I will give it very slowly in the hopes that you do not experience any cramping. Now, for starters, let’s do the vitals. Wes, on the scale.”

I stood on the scale and Tori read out my weight. “202. That’s a slight loss from yesterday. Good.” After that she took my pulse and blood pressure before telling me to lie down with my butt facing her. Tori looked great again this morning and I jokingly wondered if that might elevate my pulse. With those thoughts I started to worry that it might elevate something else.

She withdrew the thermometer and inserted the nozzle for my enema. Both she and Sharon were right, that flexible nozzle was sure comfortable. With the clamp that Tori used there was no audible “click”. Nevertheless, I had started a conversation with Sharon about what activity we wanted to do that afternoon. I was thinking about taking some clay target shooting instruction and she was considering brushing up on tennis, something that she hadn’t done since college. One thing led to another and finally after looking up at the enema bag realized that Tori had started it and it was now better than half gone. Amazing because I hadn’t felt a thing. Even after being warned that lemon juice may cause cramping I was taking this like a champ.

Finally, Sharon, too, noticed that I was doing really well and said “Wes, you’ll soon be done” to which I replied, “yes, taking it, but I still have to hold it for 10 minutes or Tori won’t be happy with me.”

Tori cracked a smile and only said, “Well, Wes, I suppose I’ll be a little bit like your mom because if you can’t hold it for as long as I say, I’ll just have to give you another one.”

“Tori, I just can’t believe that a sweet girl like you gets to give older people enemas for a living. There has to be something else that you do.”

“There is, some days I am also the wellness lecturer and on others I’m the yoga instructor. As a matter of fact, that is what I’m doing later this morning so I not only expect that you will be there, but also paying close attention.”

At that, Tori removed the nozzle and told me to head off to the toilet for which I needed no second reminder. While I had had what I thought were two decent enemas on the previous day, the lemon juice enema cleaned an amazing quantity of more out of me. When I came out of the toilet, Sharon was on the table and already half way through her bag. Sharon had always been a bit more of an enema aficionado than me so I just assumed that she wasn’t having a difficult time filling with the lemon juice solution.

When Sharon was finally sent off to the toilet to expel her enema Tori proceeded to clean up the enema bag and hang it from a hook near the towels to air dry. Jokingly I said to her “And what will be the enema du jour tomorrow?” She cast me a broad sexy smile and said, “Tomorrow I’m going easy on you and it will be only chamomile tea. It’s very soothing and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”

“I’m sure that I will,” I said. “See you at yoga.”

Sharon and I went to breakfast and then to the wellness lecture where the topic of carbohydrates was explained in depth. It was interesting, but the guy leading discussion was not the most engaging speaker. Nevertheless, with our enemas completed for the day I had more or less put Tori out of my mind. When we walked into the yoga studio there she was with wearing bright blue and pink patterned yoga pants that looked like they were applied with a spray gun. On top she wore a black sports bra and I think my jaw hit the floor when I saw her. If she could look sexy in scrubs, this outfit was phenomenal—it was almost instant erection time, especially when I thought that this was the woman administering my enemas.

That afternoon Sharon and I headed off to our own activities and did not rejoin each other until in the suite changing to go to dinner. I guess I don’t hit my emotions very well because Sharon mentioned how smitten I seemed with Tori in the yoga session. I replied, “Yes, I had no idea that she had such a great figure.”

Sharon gave me the look that said, “Liar, liar, pants on fire” that only spouses know about one another.

My reply was, “No, really!”

"Yeah, right," was her rejoinder.

After a sumptuous, but good for you meal, we returned to the suite. Again the choice was reading the wellness book or having sex. Can you believe that we not only had sex for a third day in a row but did it twice? We hadn’t done that in years, so you might say that this wellness retreat was already worth it.