Views: 774 Created: 2016.03.07 Updated: 2016.03.07

Captured and wearing a diaper

Chapter 4

Anyone looking at me this instant would think its the ideal kinky scene--bondage and diapers. But I was only interested in the kink of the later, never expecting the former. "Whhmmnnedthwimmffm," I grunted trying to say: What do you need the wifi for?

"Listen honey, I don't want to gag you tighter or you'll suffocate. Now, please, be silent ok?"

"Ommmph," I said dejectedly. So much in trying to be friendly. Ok, next I tried my bonds. If last night's tape and rope restricted my movement, these plastic ties or handcuffs were tight beyond belief. I was definitely stuck to the chair. Well, I could try to shift, but that would only alert him again. Oh darn it!

So for the next hour or so, I could just sit there, my movements really restricted, my sense of sight and my voice curtailed. But I still had my ears and heard him type away, possibly on his labtop, or maybe mine, I wouldn't know. Only occasionally would he grunt or say the word 'yes'. What was he doing? Why did he need to camp out at my place? What sinister plot was he conducting or did he do? Rob a bank? Online theft? Hacking? Or worst, something like murder?

I ran the various criminal activities through my head until once again my bladder gave its signal. Oh bother, I thought. I could give him a signal through my gag that I needed to use the...wait, I'm diapered. And last night, he thought I'm an incontinent person, thanks to my partial answer. Well, I guess I will...I let my pee flow out, the same warmth feeling around my crotch and anal region. It was a long pee and I squirmed and gave a soft grunt through my gag. Did he notice? No indication. Did the diaper hold all the pee? Or did part of it leak out onto my sweat pants? Again, I imagined the scenario: The police coming to my rescue only to find me diapered....

"Bring, bring bring!" A familiar sound jolted me. It continued and then my blindfold was removed. "Phone call," he said the obvious, the house phone in his hand. "You answer, and tell the person you are fine and not to come here. Any trick words, and you'll be sorry. Got it?"

I half nodded and the tape and peeled off and he extracted the sooggy cloth. "H..ello," I croaked, my mouth dried out from the gag.

"Freyja?" It was my mom. "What took you so long to answer?"

"Uh, I was in the toilet mom," I lied, which well technically was right. I did just 'use the loo'.

"Everything alright?" I saw him hold his weapon.

"Uh, yes mom." No it's not. I'm held hostage and your daughter is wearing a damp diaper.

"Did you have a good breakfast?" What?

"Yes mom. I can manage myself."

"Well, ok. Remember to switch off the stove and electricity after you are done." Sheesh, I know that! I'm not a kid.


"Ok, message or call if you need me. Bye." Click.

"That's good," he nodded. Well yeah, I thought. Now he knows my mom is really away and he can hold me like this.

"Wha..t next?" I asked then saw him fold up the saliva soaked cloth.

"Noo...please," I pleaded. "Uh, my mouth is dry." He looked at me, nodded and poured some water. "That's enough," he said, part of the water dripping down my chin. "You'll peed it all away." Heh.

Without protest, the cloth was eased back in my mouth and sealed with fresh tape and the blindfold came on. Again, I just sat there, listening to his typing and grunting. Another slight pee came and I wondered how soaked the diaper was. The packet said it could hold nine 'droplets'. How much was that in terms of urine?

Finally, what seemed like ages later, my blindfold was lifted. "Lunchtime," he announced, but instead of removing my gag, he headed to the fridge. "Sandwiches ok?" It had to be since I couldn't really talk. He made a fast ham and tomato sandwich and just before he sliced it, he asked, "Are you also bowel incontinent?"