Views: 787 Created: 2016.03.07 Updated: 2016.03.07

Captured and wearing a diaper

Chapter 3

I peed! Look mom, your only daughter peed in an adult diaper! At eighteen years old! I ran that thought over and again as the warmth crept all over my crotch and into my anal region. With my hands bound infront and touching the shape of the diaper, I could feel the outline grow bigger. I turned my head to look at my captor but he was still in the same position. Did he see me pee? Well he does "know" that I don't have bladder control, thanks to my big lie earlier. Oh yay, I'm stuck with him and this lie until Sunday....

"BANG BANG!!" My ears were deafened by the explosions as more masked men burst in, but these had the words SWAT on them. One of them reached over and removed my gag and cut away my bonds. "You're safe now, Miss," he said helping me up. Just as I stood up, my PJ bottoms dropped, revealing my diaper....

I woke up with a sweat and immediately shifted. No, my hands were bound in front of me and no, my gag was still on. Nothing had changed. "Good morning," I then saw him towering over me. Darn, was it morning already. "Not a scream when I remove the gag." How could I scream? My mouth was dried out from the gag.

"Th...anks," I said, though wish the thanks would include him leaving and leaving me alone.

"I'll let you change and shower. You would probably need a change." I looked down but there wasn't much of a visible bulge. Well, I do want to get out of the damp diaper.

"Here's the deal. You can shower but one, the door remains open two, you have ten minutes." He handed me a clean towel and one new diaper from the open packet. "Go."

I gather a new set of clothes and raced to the toilet. I had planned to admire myself topless in the diaper but I was on this time limit. Then my bladder signally again. Heck, I thought looking down, I'm sure it can hold more and peed again in the diaper before untaping it. I didn't have a rubbish bin in the toilet so left it on the floor and started the show. It was a ood one but I had to hasten it due to the time limit. Drying off, I clipped on my bra then remembered I had the new diaper. And I'm suppose to be this 'incontinent girl' I remembered. Not wanting to lie down outside naked in front of him, I lowered the toilet bowl cover and taped up the new diaper, this time with a better result.

"Nice T-shirt," he commented as I got out in time. It's just a rock band T-shirt I thought.

"Open up," he gestured and I didn't protest this time as I was gagged again, this time with a thicker piece of cloth. "Hands of you head, move to the kitchen." Usually, breakfast was in the dining room, but he instead dragged one of the chairs from that area into the kitchen. Before I could adjust myself, he hand bound my arms to the chair's arms with plastic ties and then my ankles to each corresponding leg. Gee, this guy really takes precautions.

"How do you like your toast?" He asked then giving a short laugh, he held up his hands until I nodded my which number. I had envisioned a nice pancake breakfast but darn all I got was toast and cereal. He even fed me the food and spoon fed the milky tea --"I don't want you near the cup". Would I have really tried to have spilt the hot drink on him.

"Ok," he said, wiping my mouth.

"Now what?" I asked, squirming.

"Your diaper ok? You don't need a change?" Part of me wanted to just to get released but I shook my head.

"What's the wifi password?"


"Just answer," he said, drawing out his weapon and I gave it.

"Good girl, open your mouth again."

"I'll be quiet please no....mmmmmmph," he stuffed a piece of cloth inside then pasted two sticky pieces of tape over it. "Oh, sorry, you can't look," he said, and my eyes were covered by a towel.

Great, I thought, bound, gagged and diapered. What a way to spend my Saturday.