Meghan’s preemployment physical

Part 12

Meghan’s heart is pounding and her mind races. She has never had a rectal exam before, or anything for that matter inserted there. Meghan’s best friend had her IUD inserted before Meghan had her IUD, and had warned Meghan that she had a rectal exam at her IUD appointment prior to the procedure. But Meghan got lucky, the gynecologist that inserted her IUD told her she didn’t need to perform a rectal exam because her uterus isn’t anteverted or retroverted. The gynecologist went on to explain that her friend’s uterus probably was, that’s why her friend had a rectal exam.

Now Meghan hears the snap of a glove, and is brought back to reality. She sees the doctor lube up the index finger of his right hand, then he steps back in between her outstretched glossy legs, her nylon covered feet still firmly planted in the stirrups. He asks if she has ever had a rectal exam. She replies no, and he tells her that it won’t hurt but she will feel some pressure, and to relax as best she can, the more she relaxes the less pressure she will feel.

The doctor tells Meghan she will feel him touch her now, and she feels a cool, gooey finger touching her anus. He tells her to take a deep breath and relax her bottom. As she does she feels the lubricated invader start to penetrate her virgin anus, pushing in deeper and deeper into her rectum, causing Meghan to raise her hips and make the table paper crinkle once again. With the doctor’s finger fully inserted as deep as it can go, Meghan tenses her glossy beige stocking clad legs and curls her toes as tightly as ever, her chiseled calves and well toned thighs accentuated by the bright overhead LED lights and shininess of the stockings.

The doctor slowly rotates his finger 360 degrees, feeling every square inch of her rectal walls, checking for any abnormalities. None are found, no hemorrhoids, fissures or masses felt. Meghan feels a lot of pressure, and has a full feeling in her rectum. As the doctor slowly withdraws his finger, Meghan feels like she will have a bowel movement. She is very grateful that she doesn’t! The feeling passes as soon as the doctor’s finger is out.

The nurse hands Meghan a few tissues as the doctor steps away to the counter. She wipes herself as best she can and the nurse takes the tissues and throws them into the trash bin, then removes her gloves and tosses them as well. The nurse tells Meghan she can push against the stirrups, slide back and sit up, and she helps Meghan as she does so, making the table paper crinkle loudly. Meghan quickly crosses her legs, trying to cover her freshly examined womanhood as best as she can.

The nurse washes her hands as the doctor finishes what he is doing, his back was turned to Meghan so she couldn’t see. He removes his glove and tosses it out, and washes his hands before telling Meghan that there was no traces of blood in her stool. She blushes and he senses her embarrassment. As he finishes entering the results of her physical into the laptop, he explains that most rectal exams leave at least a trace of stool on the glove, which is beneficial for checking for any traces of blood. If there are any traces of blood it would require further tests to make sure nothing serious is wrong.

The doctor tells Meghan that she passes her physical with flying colors, pending the results of the lab tests. He tells her she can get dressed, there are some wet wipes on the counter for her to freshen up with, after she is done she can go back to the waiting area, where another nurse will get her for the blood draw and hearing and eye tests. The doctor and nurse say have a good day and good luck with her new job, and they leave.


bikeo 4 years ago  
Doc Gentlegyn 4 years ago