
Views: 761 Created: 2007.10.02 Updated: 2007.10.02

Different diaper histories

Baby Storm

The first time I remember being in diapers was when I was about five years old. I had gone to stay with my Grandma for a few days{I think it was because my dad got in trouble for fighting with my Mom but I can't remember for sure}. What I do remember is that when it was time for bed my Grandma came into the room with a cloth diaper and a pair of plastic pants. She told me that since I wet the bed I had to wear a diaper. I think she was surprised that I didn't throw a fit but just lay still while she diapered me for the night. I remember that after she left the room I stated jumping on the bed saying. "I'm a diaper boy!" over and over until she came back in and made me go sleep. This went on for the next few nights until my parents came back to get me and my sister Vicki. Then when I was 7 I was playing in this church across the street from where I lived. It was a small town so they didn't bother to lock the doors. I went into the nursery and found some diapers in a drawer. I took the largest one I could find and put it on. It fit a little tightly but I wasn't complaining. I played around in the church for an hour or so in just a diaper then took it off, got dressed and went back home. I went back there several times to play in just a diaper over the next two months but decided to quit one day when somebody came into the church and I barely got out without getting caught. I didn't get to where diapers again until I was 9, my mom got a job so she had to get a babysitter for me {by then my dad had been sent to prison for child and spouse abuse}. My sister had some kind of girl scout thing after school so she usually wasn't at home and whenever she was gone the babysitter {I don't remember her name}would put me in a diaper and let me play in just my diaper until it was time for my sister to get home. I remember that she would rub the front of my diaper all the time, NOT THAT I WAS COMPLAINING, and sometimes she would have me in her lap sucking on her breast. Sometimes she would bottle feed me and she always fed me my food whenever Vicky wasn't home. This went on for a couple of months until we had to move to this little hellhole town named Great Falls in Montana. I left home when I was 13 and went to Seattle. I lived on the streets there or in a youth shelter when it was too cold to sleep out side. I had a lot of fun there and did a lot of drugs and pretty much forgot about my love for diapers for a few years. When I was fifteen I went to Portland, Oregon with some friends to go to a Hemp Fest. I liked Portland so much I decided to stay for awhile. One day I was in this Salvation Army thrift store looking for a coat if I recall. Anyway, I was walking through this one aisle and I saw some adult diapers, until then I didn't even know such a thing existed. After getting up the courage to do so I bought them along with a coat that went past my waist. Taking them up to the counter had to be the most embarrassing moment of my life. I put them in my backpack and went down the street to a Wendy's and went into the bathroom. When I got into the bathroom I went into one of the stalls and put one on. As I was walking out of the stall this good looking guy walked up to me and ask why I was wearing a diaper. I didn't know him so I saw no reason to lie to him and told him I just wanted to where them for fun. He was cool with it. We talked for a few minutes and he introduced himself as Trouble. Anyway he bought me dinner and we sat down and talked for awhile, I was in luck, not only was he cute, he was gay, YES!!! Well, we hooked up for about 6 months. He wasn't the daddy type{DAMN!}. but he was cool with my wearing diapers so it wasn't all bad. After we broke up I traveled around the country for awhile, {I've been to almost every state}, wearing diapers whenever I felt like it. This went on for years and then last year, {I'm 26 now}, I went back to Seattle and decide to wear diapers 24-7. I moved to Olympia, Washington last summer and had everybody I knew convinced that I needed to wear diapers all the time. They were all cool with it and only a couple of friends picked on me and that was ok because they were just playing and meant nothing by it. One thing that I forgot to mention is that since I left home I have always had a teddy bear strapped somewhere on my backpack, I even started a fad with the {Gutter Punks}in San Francisco when this one punk saw me sleeping with my teddy. He started to bug me about it so I knocked him out and about 6 weeks later half the street kids in Frisco had teddy bears strapped to there backpacks. In October I went to North Carolina to visit some friends and moved into this type of boarding house. By this time I have gone back to just wearing diapers at night.