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Views: 529 Created: 2007.08.28 Updated: 2007.08.28

To Thy Own Self Be True

Chapter 7 - Shortalls

For the next couple of days David's routine was the same. As soon as he got home from school he changed into a diaper and his new footed blanket sleeper and spent the rest of the day lounging around the house dressed as such. But by Thursday the blanket sleeper was beginning to get old. After diapering himself he decided that he would just put on a pair of sweats. He then went downstairs to do his homework.

When Sonia saw her young son in sweats she asked: "No footed pajamas today?" She had gotten use to seeing him in his footed pajamas and thought that he looked absolutely adorable dressed up like a great big baby.

David answered back: "No, not today. Pajamas are fine for sleeping in, but it just doesn't feel right to be wearing pajamas in the middle of the day."

Sonia then asked if there were any other "baby" clothes that he would like to wear during the day.

David could not believe his ears! This was the opportunity he had been waiting for. He very much wanted to explode and tell his mother everything he had dreamed about wearing onesies, rompers, shortalls, coveralls, bib overalls, play suits, a sailor suit, short shorts, knickers, a little Lord Faun Leroy suit, and the list went on and on. But he was afraid that if he spilled all of the beans at once, that his poor mother would freak out. He tried to sound as indifferent as he could and casually said: "I dunno, maybe a pair of short overalls." He had seen many of the young girls wearing their shortalls at the mall over the summer and he had thought to himself how cute and youthful they had looked. He also figured that about the only "babyish" outfit that he had any chance at all of finding in his size would be a pair of shortalls.

"Ohhh Kay." His mother slowly said. After pausing for a second she continued: "I have never seen short overalls for older boys, I've only seen them for girls." And then with a hint of disbelief in her voice, she asked: "Are you wanting to get a girls pair?"

David shrugged his shoulders and shook his head in disagreement and then said: "No, not really. But where else can I get a pair of shortalls." At this point in time the young lad was regretting having said anything to his mother about his secret clothing desires.

Sonia was relieved to learn that her son did not want to wear girls’ clothing, she was not prepared to cross that bridge. She heaved a sigh of relief and then thought for a minute. She then began thinking out load: "Well I don't think we could find any short overalls at any of the department stores at this time of the year anyway." It was already mid November and all of the department stores had long ago gotten rid of their summer clothing. She thought for a minute more and then exclaimed: "I've got an idea!" She then instructed young David to: "Go get changed."

David quickly ran upstairs and removed his sweats and his diaper. He changed into a "big boy" outfit of blue jeans and a shirt. He met his mother downstairs and the two got into the car and left. Once in the car, David asked his mother what she had in mind. She told her son that she was thinking about trying out some of the thrift stores, that they keep all of their clothing out rather it's summer or winter. This sounded like a good idea to David. While they were in the car, Sonia told her young son that his father had called earlier that day and that he wouldn't be home that night. Edward was a sales representative for his company and even though most of his clients were less then a day's drive away, occasionally he would get caught out of town. With Thanksgiving coming up next week he needed to call on several of his clients this week and so it worked out better for him to spend the night out of town.

When they got to the first thrift store, mother and son first went to the girls section, just to see if there might be a shortall in David's size. The short overall section had been well picked over since this was such a popular style for young girls. There were only 2 pairs of shortalls on the rack and neither of them would have fit the young boy. David heaved a silent sigh of relief as he didn't really want to wear a "girl's outfit" anyway.

They went to the boy's section and didn't find any shortalls there either, or even any regular bib overalls. They did however find a very cute and juvenile looking red and white stripped shirt that they went ahead and purchased.

They proceeded on to the next thrift store where they were able to find a pair of regular bib overalls in the boy's section that would fit the young man. Sonia told her son that she would cut off the legs and turn them into short overalls for him. David wasn't too sure about this; he knew that his mother was no seamstress. But he figured that "beggars can't be choosers" so he didn't say anything. Next his mother asked her young son if he wanted any special shoes to wear with his new short overalls.

David shrugged his shoulders and quietly said that maybe a pair of sandals would be nice. They went over to the shoe section and found a pair of sandals for the young boy. The sandals were not very "babyish", but David thought that they would be just fine. They paid for the clothing and left the store. Back in the car David, with his voice rich with disbelief, asked his mother: "Are you really going to cut off these overalls and sew them back up?"

His mother responded with: "SEW?!? Yeah right!" But she said that she did have an idea and the two of them headed for a fabric store.

At the fabric store Sonia approached one of the salespeople and explained that years ago she had used this special type of "tape" to hem up some pants. That she folded up the pants over this tape and then using a hot iron was able to fuse the pants and the tape together. She then asked the salesperson if she had any idea what she was talking about and if anybody still made such a product.

The saleslady responded that in deed there was such a product available and took the two of them over the sewing notions and showed her the iron-on hem tape. Sonia picked out a roll and thanked the sales lady. As they walked back to the cashier to pay for the hem tape, David was looking around at all of the different materials and imaging the possibilities if he could only find somebody that knew how to sew. They paid for the hem tape and left the store.

On the way home Sonia suggested that they stop off and get a bite to eat for dinner. She really didn't want to go through the trouble of cooking for just the two of them. Besides that she had work to do when they got home, she had to hem up David's new shortalls. Eating out sounded very good to David. They decided that since they had just spent so much money on David's new outfit that they had better try to save some money on dinner. The two then drove to McDonalds where they dined in high style.

Back home Sonia first off put the overalls and shirt in the washing machine to give them a good cleaning before getting started. While his overalls were in the washer, David went upstairs and changed back into his diaper and sweats and did his homework. When he had finished his homework he went back downstairs and watched TV with his mom. Shortly thereafter they heard the clothes dryer buzz announcing that his new overalls were ready to go. Sonia went to the garage and retrieved the freshly laundered garments. When she returned to the living room, David took off his sweatshirt and sweat pants and put on his new shirt. He felt a little awkward standing in front of his mother wearing a diaper, but he was in a hurry to have her start working on his new outfit and he didn't want to take the time to go upstairs and change clothes in private. Next he put on the overalls. His mother helped him to adjust the straps so that the overalls would not be too tight or too loose. She then marked the overalls right above the knee with a black magic marker. David then removed the overalls and his mother cut off the legs of the once proud garment. She then pinned the legs up. While his mother cut and pinned, David sat on the living room floor in his diaper and carefully watched every move his mother made.

When she had finished pinning up the legs, Sonia handed the newly created "shortalls" to her son. David gratefully accepted the garment and quickly put it on. His mother had to warn him to go slow and to be careful not to accidentally stick himself with one of the pins. David couldn't believe how wonderful the shortalls felt. They were light and airy and made him feel very childish. His mother had him walk around the living room several times so that she could examine her handiwork from all different angles.

Next Sonia suggested that the two of them go upstairs to her room so that David could see for himself how the shortalls looked in her full-length mirror. Upstairs in his mother's room, David carefully examined his reflection in the mirror. His mother asked what he thought. The young boy nodded his head in approval and said they looked very nice. Sonia examined her son for several minutes and then said: "You know what? I bet if the legs were shorter, they would look even more childish."

David liked the sound of that very much. Sonia went to David's room and retrieved one of his unused white crayons, she wanted something that could be washed out. She lightly marked the legs of the shortalls higher up the leg, about halfway between the knee and crotch. David removed the garment and his mother repined the legs. She didn't cut off any more material just in case this experiment in shortness didn't work out. When she had finished, David once again eagerly put on his new outfit.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he looked in the mirror. His mother was right! He did look even more childish then before. But could it be possible to make it even more childish. He asked his mother to try one more time to make the legs shorter.

"Shorter?!?" Sonia asked in amazement. She then marked the legs right under the crotch. As she was marking the legs, Sonia's hands went on top of David's diaper several times. He at first blushed, but he also got a warm feeling on the inside being in front of his mother wearing a diaper and having her so carefully and softly attending to him. After she had finished marking the legs of the overall, David once again removed the garment and sat down on the bedroom floor while his mother re-pinned the legs.

When she was done, she held out the now very short shortalls. David took the garment and put it on. This time however, David did not like what he saw in the mirror. The legs were way too short. And besides that, whenever he sat down, his diaper came into plain view. He didn't like that at all! He was not ready to become a diaper exhibitionist. At least not yet, that is. He shook his head in disapproval and removed the shortalls and handed them back to his mother. As she was pinning the legs up to the old mark, David asked if maybe she could make them just a little bit shorter then before, maybe just an inch or so. His mother was beginning to tire of this try-on and retry game, but she could see how excited her son was about this project and also she had to admit that he did look awful cute in those short cut-off overalls. Therefore she agreed to her son's request and removed the pins. She then went downstairs and retrieved the ruler from their "junk" drawer in the kitchen. She measured off exactly one inch from the white crayon mark from before. She then folded the excess material back and pinned the legs into place.

She handed the garment to her eager son who quickly put them on. "Perfect!" he thought to himself as he examined himself in the mirror. Once David was happy with the height, Sonia had her son walk back and forth across the bedroom to make sure the legs were even on all sides. She did need to make a couple of minor adjustments to even everything out. She then had David remove the shortalls and the two of them went into their "extra" bedroom, the office / guest room / catch all room. Sonia took down the very dusty ironing board and set it up. Next she got down the iron and plugged it in and she let it warm up for a couple of minutes before beginning. When the iron was hot enough, she carefully ironed the legs of the shortall creating a very heavy and visible crease. After she created her crease, she let the shortalls cool down a bit before removing the pins. She first measured the hem tape (1/2"), then she turned the garment inside out and using the ruler from before, she marked the fabric 5/8" above the crease. She then cut off the excess material. Next she carefully put a piece of hem tape next to the crease on one of the legs and folded the excess material up over the hem tape. Sonia was about to start ironing when she thought that maybe this would be a case where more was better. She cut off another piece of hem tape and carefully placed it on top of the first piece. Once the two pieces of hem tape were in the proper position she began ironing the hem of her son's new shortalls. She started off by "tacking" the material together at random intervals. Next she turned up the heat of the iron and carefully ironed every part of the hem. She even held the iron in place for several seconds before moving on to the next section. When she had finished she turned the shortalls right side out and repeated the process on the outside portion of the leg. David was standing there in his diaper watching all of this in pure amazement. He had no idea that his mother could be so creative and inventive.

When she had finished the first leg, the domestically challenged mother let the shortalls cool down for a few minutes and then turned the garment inside out and examined her handiwork. She then tried to separate the hem she had just created, but with no success. The hem held tight! Sonia then proudly stated: "Just like grandma use to make." David's grandmother had grown up in a very poor family. Anytime they wanted new clothes they had to sew them themselves. David's grandmother was therefore a very good seamstress, unlike his own mother. Once she was satisfied with the first hem, Sonia immediately went to work on the second leg, repeating the entire process.

After letting the newly created shortalls cool down sufficiently, Sonia handed the garment to her young son. David eagerly and quickly put on his new short overalls. He couldn't believe that in just the matter of a few hours he had one of his "dream" outfits. He returned to his parent's bedroom where he examined his appearance from all different angles in their full-length mirror. He absolutely adored how childish and how juvenile the new outfit made him look and feel. His mother came into the bedroom and was also admiring her own handiwork. This was truly a win-win situation. David was ecstatic, his mother was greatly enjoying how cute her son looked in the shortalls, and she also had an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, having been able to do such a professional looking job at converting a pair of regular bib overalls into a pair of short overalls.

The two cleaned up the mess they had created and headed downstairs to watch TV. David continued to fiddle with his new outfit. He discovered that if he shortened the straps on his shortall that the crotch of the garment would rub against his diaper, greatly increasing the rustling and the crinkling noises of the diaper. He enjoyed hearing his diaper make noise with every step he took.