Ashley gets a Monday surprise (or two).
Ashley Bennett is a 25 year old young woman, who is working for a company that was recently bought out by a larger corporation. She is about to learn about a change in the company’s health insurance plan, and a new requirement of all current and future employees.
Ashley also has a male coworker, Noah Thompson, whom she has a crush on, and a female coworker, Jennifer Adams, who is 20 years her senior, and is her mentor and manager. They will be a part of this story.
I will be breaking this story down to at least several smaller parts. Due to my time constraints, this one will definitely take me longer than the one I just wrote. You may want to wait until I am done writing this before beginning to read it since there could be some time between parts being written. You will know I am done when you see “The Conclusion” as the title of the last part.
Please be patient, this story could take me a while!