As a child I had mild asthma, triggered by certain allergies. At first we didn't know the cause so I frequently had unexpected attacks, consequently Mum and I were regulars at our GP's.
I am 63 years old now and I have one vivid memory that has lasted all my life.
I am 5/6 years old sitting in bed propped up by pillows. Mum is sitting on one side of my bed and Doctor on the other. My pyjama jacket is open, Doctor has just listened to my chest and my back. I am staring at the stethoscope hanging from his neck, wondering what is coming next ( I can even remember the stethoscope. Typical 1950/60's, two thick black rubber tubes leading to a 'Y' shaped joint then a longer single tube with a cone shaped chestpiece ).
Doctor and Mum were discussing my symptoms and what to prescribe, Mum asking a million questions mainly about my breathing and coughing and wheezy chest. Doctor takes off his stethoscope and holds it out towards Mum, "Would you like to take a listen ?" he asks. Mum says she doesn't know what to listen for, but takes the stethoscope anyway and places it in her ears. Doctor places the chestpiece on my chest, allows Mum to listen, then moves it to another position, then gives her the chestpiece and tells to slowly move it around my chest. After a short while Mum removes the stethoscope and says she could some wheezing but mainly she could hear my heartbeat. Doctor says "Why don't you try from the back, you can hear the lungs better" She put the stethoscope back in her ears and told me to sit forward. Doctor told her to do as before, moving the stethoscope slowly over my back, he then told me to breath deeply. Mum listened all over my back, taking a lot longer than she did at the front. Eventually she stopped and said "Oh Yes that's a really loud crackling sound from the back" Doctor held out his hand to receive his stethoscope but Mum put it back in her ears and started to listen to my back again. She must have intrigued at what she could hear !! Again she listened all over my back, but this time seemed to keep the chestpiece in position for longer before moving it. She eventually returned the stethoscope, Doctor left her a prescription and left.
Although this was my Mum and she had no medical knowledge at all, this was the most sensational examination I have ever had and I am sure this is where my fantasy started. For me it is all about the stethoscope, not what I can hear, but the sight, the feel, the wearing, the using and having it used on me. I also think this is why I prefer female Doctors