For me there is no set routine. My fiancée checks me from time to time and will change me. also at night she will change me when she gets up for peepee time. Andrea my gf (me and my fiancée are open) makes me ask. when I change myself I do it when I have to or want to
My girlfriend/mommy decides when my diaper is "full" and when I get changed. If she's feeling cruel I'll have to sleep in a soaked diaper :/
I am changed by mommy or my older sister,whenever I need it.I am checked on my diaper status very regularly.
As soon as I wake up and wake everybody else up, after lunch, after a nap, after bath time and if I poop in between, or whenever Daddy sees necessary!.LovePrincess Abi xx
Usually within 2 hours of when I get up,i have by then managed to get my overnight cloth wet diapers,just a little bit wetter after 2 large mugs of steaming coffee.
Well because I wear a diaper to bed and have no one else at this time to change my wet nappy I change it after having multiple pees in the night in the morning . After all, I have to get my monies worth lol
I normally get changed right after wking up and before going about my day . At night I'm changed right after I come home and take a bath and have dinner
I only like to change when i know my diaper can't take anymore. I like being in a wet diaper, because i feel more relaxed and babish.
I change myself when the diaper starts to feel cold. It is not a stimulating experience.I only poop in a diaper after being cleaned out with enemas and I play with suppositories and marshmallows.
Not 24/7 so I wear when I feel like it and change when I feel like it. I have gone all day without changing or wetting it but that is rare. Generally, I wear until it is wet at least twice, which is about an hour after the first wetting.When I feel the urge to sleep in a diaper, it is generally a thicker disposable and I'll wear it until I feel I've gotten my money's worth out of it.
I have to stay in my wet diaper until it cannot hold anymore - this might be every 8-12 hours.If I've been given diuretics it could be as frequent as every 4 hours but my diaper will be leaking into my plastic pants by then.
I don't often /get/ changed.I will usually be in a wet diaper for about four to six hours after my first time wetting it, and a messy diaper anywhere from half an hour to two hours.
My mommy/wife changes me whenever I need it...usually after getting picked up out of my crib, midafternoon and always before bedtime...she decides, of course...somrtimes I will fill my diapers sitting on her lap...a few butt pats , a standup from her with me being picked up and carried to the changing table upstairs...always patting my diapered butt as she easily carries mr upstairs to the nursery. Babyeric
When a diaper change is needed regardless where I may be. A wet needed change I may prolong before getting change a little bit.A messy diaper gets changed as soon as possible. I do not prolong a messy diaper for hygiene and skin health. I also don't want to share my unpleasant messy diaper smell.
Not often enough. I like having a wet nappy on. But when I change into a new nappy, it's pure heaven.