I posted this true account on an exhibitionism site a couple of years ago and I am re-telling it here as my first contribution to this amazing forum.
Although I had not been able to photograph the exam I did submit candid photos of myself so that readers could observe what the doctor saw.
I don't know whether or not that's permitted in these forums but would be willing to share the images at the appropriate time and place.
This will seem a little tame to many of you but being totally naked while examined by a male doctor has always fueled my masturbation fantasies.
Last week that fantasy was realized as I stood head-to-toe naked in front of a male dermatologist.
I hadn't had the so-called full body assessment by a skin doctor in some years. Looking through listings on Yelp I found a local dermatologist who was ‘older’ which was a definite plus since that generation has a more open and accepting attitude regarding male-to-male nudity. And in one of the reviews it said:
‘Dr. so and so is very friendly, pleasant and easy to be with which helps when you’re standing in front of him completely nude…’
Boom. This was for me.
The day of the appointment I had left the house with plenty of time to find the location. I arrived too early in fact but there happened to be a branch of my gym located a block away from the medical building. So I stopped in there and had a brief but intense workout so that my body and muscles would look good for the examination shortly to follow.
I arrived at the doctor’s office, signed in, filled out forms and then waited to be called. Not too long after, the nurse calls me and shows me back to an exam room. She asks what I’m seeing the doctor for and I explain that I hadn't seen a dermatologist in several years (true) and for that reason I wanted a thorough examination. To which she replied something like -instead of removing your shirt, shoes and socks- please remove all your clothing. Then she said they didn’t have gowns but some paper sheets to cover myself with and left the room. Bingo. The idea of the sheet instead of the gown signaled to me that this was already going the way I wanted it to. I eagerly stripped off all my clothes leaving them in a pile on the chair with my stretchy bikini briefs laid on top so that the first thing the doc would see when entering the room was my underpants indicating I was bare-ass. I climbed onto the examination table sitting up with my legs over the edge and the paper sheet loosely draped around my middle with just a hint of my full dark pubes peaking out the top. I was nervous and excited anticipating his entrance and I fluffed my penis just a little so it was longer and plumper.
Then he came in. He introduced himself and he was just so friendly and nice just like it said in the review and I totally felt comfortable. He sat on a stool in front of me and he was actually very close to me with his knee basically touching me and that felt intimate and good but not inappropriate at all in the professional sense. We chatted a little and then he said please hop off the table and stand in front of me. As I stood up and he said something like you can hold the sheet if you require modesty but I was already saying I don’t need this I don’t have a problem with nudity and I shucked the sheet away and there I was..Full Frontal Naked at the Doctor’s.
He first had me stand with my back side to him and he carefully looked me over starting at my ankles and moving all the way up. When he got to my butt he gently took hold of each cheek and spread them so he could observe my hairy butt crack. Man I love having my butt hole looked at. You see for me it's not about 'up the butt' which I'll explain in a separate post. I love the feeling of being totally nude while visually assessed with my genitals inspected and on display. He even ran his finger very lightly up and down the length of my entire crack and over and around the external part of my anus. I was in heaven! He continued his inspection up and across my back and shoulders and then he asked me to hop up onto the exam table and to lie back face-up so he could examine my front side.
I hesitated for a moment and said ‘I’m a little embarrassed’ as I turned around facing him with my penis half-hard and bobbing up and down in front of him. But he was so easy-going and he assured me it wasn’t a problem and I should just lay back and relax. Lying there naked and spread out, displayed in front of him like that was just so exciting for me and my cock thought so too and unable to hold back I sported a healthy boner. He checked my toes and feet and moved up to my calves and thighs and then he told me that he was going to check the area between my thighs and scrotum so I widened my legs and he lifted up my balls examining each one carefully then touching and looking underneath. My penis was full-on throbbing hard by this time. And I'll tell you what I felt was not humiliation but complete stimulation although I maintained an air of calm indifference so as not to come across as enjoying myself too much.
Again I apologized and he said it’s natural to get an erection during this type of exam and not to worry. But by now the exam had become very sexualized for me as he continued exploring all of my scrotum with one hand holding my throbbing cock against my belly out of the way. Then with both hands he examined my dense dark pubic bush very thoroughly. I was almost in a trance and I heard him say that he would examine my penis now and to just relax. And he held my boner in one hand and examined it very thoroughly with the other. Believe it or not the experience was essentially clinical and professional. The clinical part really turns me on.
So there I was naked, on display, aroused and erect and he continued the examination up my stomach, chest, armpits, shoulders and right to the top of my head. My cock remained fully erect even as the exam concluded. He told me I was completely healthy skin-wise with nothing to be concerned about. That was good news. He sat there and we chatted about good habits for skin protection etc and there I was still laid back, still naked, still erect and it was just awesome.
He said I could get dressed and that he’d see me in a year. Man I’d like to see this dude again as soon as possible.
Once in my car again I was rock hard contemplating what had just happened. And when I got home I stripped down and masturbated for hours. What a turn on. This entire story is the truth however I was thinking I would like to write up a Part 2 that was fantasy-based on the idea that since I was a fit male who felt apparently ‘comfortable in my skin’ that I might want to consider taking part in a research study he had read about on Male Sexuality, Arousal and Penis Masturbation. In order to qualify as a subject I would need to consent to a very detailed 'preliminary' examination throughout which I would remain naked and aroused while one or more doctors examined me, various assistants would document and film the session(s) and still others would be present observing...