Any of you guys ever forced to wear girls diapers or girly plastic pants, training pants because maybe your mom didn't have a change of your own when you were out visiting? Or were you ever forced to wear girls anything, panties, pants, skirt because you wet your pants while out visiting and didn't have a change of clothes? Anybody remember such a happing, or was told it happened to them.
I don't recall it happing to me, but I was told I had to wear a pair of my girl cousins thick cloth training pants, that were very flowery. I had fallen in a puddle of water while in the park across the street from her house. My pants and underwear were soaked with dirty water. I had nothing to wear home and my younger cousin was still in diapers and training pants, so that's what I got to wear home. I was about four when this happened, and lucky for me I only had to wear them for a short time while we were still there, and to ride home in the car. I wish I could remember that happing, but I don't recall it.
Luvs It.