I guess it all started for me when I took my husband David’s, then boyfriend’s, rectal temperature. He woke up sick one Saturday morning, feeling a little warm and nauseous. I got the digital thermometer we kept in the medicine cabinet. I was going to take his temperature by mouth, but he told me not to worry about it because he felt like he might vomit any time.
I didn’t have a tympanic thermometer, but I did have a rectal thermometer in the backpack I used for nursing school with all my other medical gear. It was part of our standard kit for pediatric use, but I’d never actually used it. Up till this point I’d never actually taken a rectal temperature. I knew from nursing school that a rectal temperature is a suitable and more accurate method when oral or tympanic routes aren’t an option.
I’d already seen David’s naked butt hundreds of times, so I decided now was the time put the classroom skills I learned into actual use.
That said, I was nervous and excited at the same time when I decided I was going to take his temperature rectally. Seeing the love of your life’s naked butt is one thing, but penetrating him rectally was much more intimate. I didn’t even know if he’d actually let me put a thermometer up there until I told him that’s what I needed to do.
I told him “David sweetheart, I need to get your temperature. But if you think you might throw up I probably should put it up your butt instead, okay?” To my surprise he muttered out a little “okay”. My heart was pounding when I grasped the stem of the thermometer and started shaking it down. The thermometer was brand new and never had been out of its little red case. I studied the blunt silver bulb and the stem to make sure it wasn’t cracked. I was trembling with excitement, realizing the bulb and about two inches was about to be up David’s butthole because I put it there.
I spread a nice thick blob of K-Y on the first couple inches of the thermometer as I told David ……..“baby I’m going to part your cheeks a little and slip this in your butt about two inches. It’s probably going to feel a little cold and uncomfortable for just a second when it first goes in. Try not to clench or it’s more uncomfortable okay”.
He was already naked and lying on his left side. I parted his cheeks with my thumb and index and middle fingers until I could see the pale brown/pink pucker of his anus. My heart was pounding because I’d never seen him this intimately before. I touched the blunt slippery bulb of the thermometer at the center of the puckered entrance and he clenched. I retracted the thermometer and pushed it back forward with gentle pressure and it slipped right in as if it was drawn into him. David gasped a little as I eased it further up his rectum to where the numbers show on the thermometer.
I almost couldn’t believe this was happening. David could probably tell from my voice I was more nervous than him. I wanted to try talking about something else to take attention away from what was obvious at the moment, but I couldn’t. I could feel David’s heartbeat through the thermometer, then I noticed he was getting an erection. I was ignorant to the effectiveness of prostate stimulation when things get inserted rectally.
I held the thermometer in David’s butt for 4 minutes that seemed like an eternity. I slid it out of his anus and wiped the blob of K-Y out of his crack. I wiped the clear slime off the thermometer with a tissue. His rectal temperature was a toasty 102.6F.
He told me his mother took his temperature up the butt until he was seven years old. He noticed I’d seen his involuntarily induced election and I think it embarrassed him. I pretended like I thought nothing of it , but the whole experience was extremely exciting. I learned a new way to stimulate a man to sexual arousal. I realized how powerful a tool this could be to help control a man if I so wanted.