My truly embarrassing moments occurred in my earlier adult years when I kept the DL side of my life secret and had not yet become comfortable and embraced my love for wearing diapers and rubber pants as I have become since meeting my wife 11 years ago. Just a few of those embarrassing moments include the following. Searching for cloth diapers and rubber pants at medical supply stores and asking for help from various salesladies. They would ask personal questions like why I wore them, did I wet my bed, what size do you wear, do I have someone to change me and then take me to a changing room where I had to undress and they could see my diapers, often wet. Sometimes I was told to change myself so I could try on their rubber pants over a dry diaper.
Living in apartments when I was younger meant I had to do my own laundry, either at a laundromat, or a community laundry room in the building. I had to wash my diapers and rubber pants with all my other clothes when other tenants were around do they're own laundry and once in a while a lady would see my diapers or plastic pants in my basket, or even take them out of the dryer and stack the on the counter so they could do they're own. I was asked about why I had so many big diapers and rubber pants on a few times and that was always embarrassing.
Also I really wanted to date girls, have relationships, and be intimate, but I also really wanted to be able to wear diapers when I could and not be afraid. But the first I brought a girl home with me hoping we would have sex and she stayed the night she discovered a pair of my rubber pants and made my tell her why I had them hanging in my bathroom shower. That time I was really embarrassed, she made me take her home wouldn't say word and as she left she called me an immature baby and never wanted to see me again.
And of course the few times back then when I had my diapers and rubber pants on, had wet them several times so they were bulging under my trousers or even leaking on my bottom and a lady would ask me if I had diapers on, or warm me my diaper was leaking and I should change them. Of course I always hoped one would volunteer to change me but that never happened.