The longest session I have done was probably a 36 hour stretch after a very rough barium enema (for those who wonder why/if they are still used, you should meet my GI doctor/s). I was given some oral laxative that was supposed to work within a few hours but was also told to feel free to do enemas as well because barium can, and will, stay inside your system for a very long time if left there. I had to do the usual prep before the test and was completely ex from that plus the procedure and those 36 hours of doing whatever enema I could take and hold until I got barium free returns were absolutely miserable.
There were naps and breaks and time to hydrate in between but it sure felt like what running 10 marathons in a row would be like (in my head, at least).
I have enjoyed 12 hour-long sessions with my late fiancé. We took turns giving each other enemas and they were usually large and crampy, or larger and crampier. We would indulge in other forms of adult fun and we would nap, hydrate, have light snacks, joke, laugh, cry and just savor the increasingly noticeable tiredness and relaxation that accompanied the pleasure and the discomfort. It wasn‘t necessarily something that others would have considered as glorious as we did, but it didn’t matter what anyone else would have thought -we loved it.
Was I sore afterwards? I’m sure I was and I know he was, because I remember those being among the very few times when he ever mentioned being in any kind of pain. He was both a sadist and a masochist, and so am I, but never like he was. I am sure I was sore, but now that I am writing about it for the first time since he passed away over 10 years ago, I can’t say that I remember being sore. I’d sure take any barium concoction for however long I had to to experience those 12 hours one more time.
Take home message: time is relative, and it passes very slowly when you aren’t enjoying something/someone. Way too fast if you are. And NEVER when barium is involved.
Play safe!
B x