In reading this thread, it struck me that douching was inextricably intertwined with enema usage back in the 50's and 60's. This may well have been true well before then. My favorite medical text of the day, made reference to both procedures and even discouraged using the same equipment for both.
That being said, those beautiful rubber implements that adorned many shower heads and bathroom doors, became quite a curiosity for many of us. As we know, the names of those items seemed to be fairly subtle advocacies for their intended use.
The common red "enema bag" was eventually accompanied by an amber "douche bag". Those long black douche nozzles were usually attached around our home. While as a youngster, I didn't appreciate the differentiation between the two, I knew that the nozzle was inserted to deliver a fair amount of water into one of the body's openings.
As I became more sexually curious, I realized that either item could trigger tremendous sensations. I suppose that my equipment fetish blossomed during that time and my enema paraphilia had become a lifelong indulgence.
I can say that I was always jealous, or envious, that you gals could possess and use such items without the embarrassment or humiliation that we guys seemed to endure. Douching back then was quite common and accepted. While one might surmise that a wet bag hanging up to dry had been used for an enema, it was just as likely that mom or sis had recently douched.
Either way, tingles ran up and down my spine and other involuntary reactions were difficult to suppress. If nothing else, it's high time to encourage a return to manufacturing those great rubber items, the disposables be damned!