I have read that large hotels keep a nurse on staff to take care of sick patients and emergencies.
I read a story about a man who called the desk at ni saying he needed the nurse.
When she arrived at his room he told her that he was constipated and needed help with an enema that he had all the equipment.
The nurse told the man that she was not allowed to stay alone in a man’s room to perform such services. She suggested that she call for a floor maid who could stay with her while she performed the enema.
He agreed. The floor maid was young, black and pretty. When she arrived, the nurse told her she was going to administer an enema and she was need her to assist my holding a bag of soapy water.
The man carried a travel enema bag and packets of soap for his enemas. While the nurse went into the bathroom to prepare a full bag of warm, soapy water the maid stayed with the man and helped him remove his pajama bottoms and position him on his stomach.
When the nurse returned, she handed the maid the bulging bag while she used Vaseline to lube the nozzle.
The maid looked on wide-eyed as the nurse spread the man’s hips, revealing his hairy anus. Asking her patient if he was ready, she began inserting the colon tube type nozzle into his rectum.
With an ample amount of the tube inserted, the nurse started a slow flow and asked if he was okay.
The maid having never seen an enema asked the nurse what it was for. She told the maid such an enema was for good health and relaxation and a good night’s sleep.
The maid told the nurse she would take such a treatment if the nurse would show her how. The nurse asked the man if she could use his bag to give the maid an enema when he was through with his enemas. He readily agreed.
As he expelled his soapy enema, the nurse prepared a rinse enema for him. Again the maid held the bulging bag. When the man came out of the restroom, the nurse instructed him to get on his hands and knees for his rinse enema.
They both noticed his penis was much larger than when they arrived. The nurse told the maid that she would hold the bag as it was more that half empty while she removed her clothes.
Without asking questions or hesitating, the young black girl completely stripped and watched as the bag went completely flat.
As the now naked man was voiding his rinse enema, the nurse cleaned the nozzle with alcohol and refilled the bag with soap solution.
When the man cleaned himself, the nurse handed him the bag and told the maid to lie on her back and raise and spread her legs.
As she did, the nurse lubed the colon tube and told the maid she was also lubricate her anus and rectum to ensure her comfort as she took her first ever enema.
The man thoroughly enjoyed watching the girl’s first enema and the full view he had of her vulva, labia and swelling clitoris.
The nurse administered the enema slowly while telling the girl to take slow deep breaths. The man reached for the girl’s left leg and spread it further wide open. The nurse thanked him and continued talking quietly and encouraging the maid.
With the bag empty, the maid walked to the toilet and began her first release with the door open. The nurse told the man he was a good helper.
He then asked the nurse if she would like to have a soapy enema and a warm water rinse. She nodded affirmatively and began stripping off her clothes.
Once fully nude, she went into the bathroom to fill the maids rinse. The man walked to the bathroom door and listened to the nurse and maid talking about the girl’s enema and how good her stomach felt.
The nurse simply nodded and told the girl she was a good first time patient and that she would enjoy her rinse enema too.
The girl then asked the nurse if she was naked because she was going to take an enema too. The nurse told her yes and that she enjoyed being nude for enemas but the girl could never breathe a word about their undressing or enemas.
The girl promised to keep their secret as she wiped her bottom and headed to the bed for her rinse.
The nurse handed the bag to the man, instructed the girl to get on her knees with her shoulders on the bed while she reached back with both hands and spread her cheeks.
Without hesitation, the girl obeyed and the nurse put a blob of Vaseline on her finger. She smeared some on the girl’s anus before pushing her finger deep into the girl’s rectum.
Satisfied the girl was fully prepped, the nurse fed the colon tube a foot deep into the girl’s bottom and opened the clamp.
With all three people fully nude and exchanging enemas, the man was fully aroused and began slowly masturbating.
The nurse looked at him, winked and reached for
her engorged clitoris. The maid was able to see what was happening and she reached to put a finger in her vagina.
Her rinse was almost done. With the bag empty the nurse removed the nozzle and told the pair to enjoy.
That’s all the encouragement they needed. Using his idle hand, he began rubbing the girl’s clitoris as she was thrusting to fingers in her pussy.
When the nurse returned from the bathroom, she told the girl to go release her rinse enema.
As she rose to do that the nurse laid down, spread her legs and told the man “fuck me.”