Taking a patient blood pressure the traditional (now old school?) way of the manual cuff and stethoscope can be a such a stimulus for the senses I hope it never falls out of practice with medical exams, especially play exams ! You get to share in a moment of calm and focus as doctor and patient, the sight of the cuff and the sensation of pressure as it builds inward pushing against your arm like a firm grasp. I'd say it's one of a few first indicators that for some patients the exam is much more than a clinical process. If you hear the pulse speeding up quickly as you hold their arm and look into their eyes as they blush, you might have a patient with a soft spot for being examined.I haven't had the fun of trying a cuff on thigh or lower leg just above the ankle but that looks like it could be fun too. If you enjoy getting or taking a blood pressure reading, you might look up "Segmental Limb Pressures"... a little different but has some similar themes... as a hint, you're going to have up to ten blood pressure cuffs on you.
Taking blood pressure is also a fetish l love. My girl is a bodybuilder that has hypertension due to anabolic steroids. I check her pressure several times daily. The sound of the Baum cuff and the way her veins bulge out is erotic. I always pump up the cuff until the mercury reaches 260. Her artery sounds pound wildly at 220 and stop at 150. After lifting her pressure goes over 300! I hear her artery beating at 300 and her diastolic was 276. Using a arterial line her pressure was measured at 420 over 290.
All part of the fun. I have been requested by my gp to have it done regularly. I love the feel of the cuff inflating, the sounds of the whole process & then the look of the doctor as she removes her stethoscope.
I absolutely love having my blood pressure checked. My favorite fetish. I am a model at a medical fetish club in Las Vegas. Some nights my pressure gets taken around 50 times. The cuff inflation is a sexual trigger for me. Me and my husband take each others pressures during and after sex. I noticed that my pressure is taking longer than usual to return to resting readings as of late. I just finished taking my husbands pressure. 176/124 left arm and 180/126 right arm. My pressures are a bit elevated. 152/106 right arm lying down. I also enjoy discussing blood pressure checks.
I don't know if I have a "fetish" for this, but I do enjoy both the sight of a nice cuff on a female arm, as well as the feel of a tight cuff on my own arm. It's something I think should be included in every "realistic" exam.
BP taking is so normal yet a naughty "like". It is medical yes but somehow feels like subtle control too. I had also felt that way about temp taking as a child. Loss of ones ability to speak. Medfet has been on my mind more and more as I am now a heart patient having had surgery due to a rupture. I see the doc soon on my semi- annual exam. I also need to see my newly assigned gp (a lady) as my doc is retiring and she is taking over his practise. I hope my pulse doesnt quicken too much.
Wow I can’t believe other people are into this! Maybe it’s weird but it would be so sexy for someone to be taking my blood pressure right as he brings me to orgasm
I have a blood pressure fetish, too. Love getting my blood pressure taken by a female doctor or nurse.
My dream to find a partner with this fetish !!! I'm crazy with sphygmomanometer stethoscope apparatus etc ... the wait goes on
I love the sound of the cuff being fastened and the feel of it being inflated, especially if it's a bit too tight. Despite that though I'm always more than a bit nervous to have my blood pressure taken as it tends to be a bit high when I'm at the doctors.I didn't put this down to excitement until someone mentioned it on another thread but I don't think it's likely to be that as it doesn't happen in play, only at the actual doctors. I'm almost tempted to say that it's not normally like that, but don't want to tell him how I know!So I really enjoy this in play, but not so much in real life.
@contemax70Hello and good afternoonI really like it when my blood pressure is measured. Due to my own health history, I have to measure my blood pressure several times a day.But it is very different for me if it is done in a playful way. If it is then done by a young and pretty nurse, my values go through the roof.I am happy to provide myself for a long and extensive check of my blood pressure.
I’ve been so stressed out with quarantine and such lately, decided to check my bp just now, but it surprised me- 134/89, pulse 78. For me, all really good and low!
I do like this, I think it goes splendidly along with HB and Lugs listening... so I like a good check of my bp as well.Maybe at first as a "normal" setting, such as slowly going through my physical... only to end up naked and having my stats being taken once again? That is... a very turn on... I must admit it.
I too have a major blood pressure fetish. I have been hypertensive since age 21. Now 25. I would love to chat with anyone else who has similar feelings.
I should monitor my own more often as I am on meds for it. Be better if someone else took it though....then again white coat syndrome might kick in.
I have a major blood pressure fetish. Everything about it excites me. Especially whenever my girl let's me take her pressure. Just the sight of a pressure cuff makes me aroused.
I have a fetish in this to. I love to have my blood pressure taken and also to take someone else's blood pressure. My girlfriend has this fetish also. When she takes my blood pressure she pumps cuff to 270-280. I love it. When I take hers I pump to 230. She says it hurts sometimes but she enjoys it. It hurts me sometimes when she takes mine also.
I Love having my Blood Pressure taken and would Love to Roleplay being a patient having to be hooked up to BP and Monitors if i can find someone
I would be turned on by having several BP cuffs on me at same time including one on my penis. Would also like electrodes on me at same time
I too have a major blood pressure fetish. I have been hypertensive since age 21. Now 25. I would love to chat with anyone else who has similar feelings.Yes, I do have similar feelings for the bp cuffs too,People normally doesn't react much but I have some unexplainable excitement going through y mind during a bp check
Not so much a fetish - maybe slightly an obsession- I monitor my BP 2-3 times/week and try to maintain/reduce it through exercise and diet. Goal is to get it under 120/70.
I'm more into the heartbeat fetish, but I do find blood pressure fascinating, and important to monitor. I would look at it as being taken care of! If a romantic partner/play partner/ (just not a random person) wants to take my BP, I would be willing.
I don't find blood pressure an interest. The action of getting my blood pressure taken does nothing for me. Maybe because I keep an eye on my subs for his own health. If it gets too high again, it may not be a good thing. There is no fun in things that are a real issue.
I too have always loved to have my BP checked since I was a kid. I check mine every day to keep track due to being on meds for it. I love to have nurse friends check it for me every chance I get. If I have someone new check it for me my pressure goes up. I prefer to have a cute female nurse check it for me. It has to be done manual for me. I have non-invasive machines but they are not as satisfying as having done the old fashion way.
I had my first orgasm with a cuff on. My pediatrician had put his hand down my pants to check for hernia without telling me what he was doing, and he brushed my clit with his finger. I didn’t understand any of it. All I knew was that from that day on, every time I thought about going to the doctor, my privates throbbed. I thought that throb was shame. I didn‘t find out it was arousal for another 12 years. I also never wore that pair of pants again because looking at them caused the throb.it took me several years of being sexually active and a couple of gyno visits before I ever had an orgasm. That day, I decided to embrace the throb. I knew I had a medical fetish, but I didn’t know what to do with it, and it was two or three years before I‘d even heard of the internet. I borrowed my mom’s blood pressure monitor, strapped it to my arm and pushed the button over and over while I masturbated.It worked, and now I’m thinking I’m probably going to go do it again as soon as my kids are sleeping. 🩺🥼
Its not a specific fetish interest of mine, but I think it very much can add to the power dynamic between patient and doctor. What I do like is the doctor telling me (or me telling a patient) their BP is elevated or that their pulse is a bit fast, and being made aware of it.