The following is probably the most thorough enema procedure that has ever appeared in print in English. It is recommended by a highly qualified therapist in his Naturopathic Textbook:-
Anyone wishing to take a full colon cleansing, should always be properly prepared by spending at least one day on an all-fruit diet before starting. At least eight hours should have elapsed after the last fruit meal and it is always best done after a night’s rest. [The day on the fruit diet and 8 hour fast ensures that the stomach and small intestine are completely emptied thus preventing nausea.]
The results with an enema can in the private house can be just as good as the colonic irrigation apparatus. It is best to obtain an 8 pint size (5 US quart), as this is the normal maximum used in this way. Inject the water on the left side or in a kneeling or crouching position. The left side is perhaps the best position. The first irrigation should not exceed 1 pint of water at body temperature and this amount can be increased by 1 pint on each succeeding day until the patient’s maximum [from 6 to 8 Imperial pints or 4 to 5 US quarts] has been reached.
When the desired amount has been absorbed, the patient should continue to lie on the left side for 10 minutes and then turn to lie on the back for a further 10 minutes with careful kneading of the abdomen. After this the patient turns over to the right side for another 10 minutes, followed by 10 minutes in the face down position. If, during this time [in the face down position] the retention of the water becomes intolerable, then it should be expelled and a longer time aimed at with the next irrigation.
[Note: The author recognizes the difficulty in the retention of the enema in the face down position, because of the increased pressure caused by the weight of the body on the distended abdomen. Nevertheless in spite of this difficulty, he recommends aiming for the full ten minutes retention in the face down position, to ensure the loosening of hardened encrusted waste.]
If it is found impossible to hold the water for this length of time on the first day, there is no cause for alarm and greater lengths of time can be aimed at quite successfully in following treatments until a maximum of forty minutes has been reached. Quite often the encrustations of many years will be harmlessly expelled by a course of these irrigations and in many cases the patient will feel rejuvenated.
From Naturopathic Practice - J. Hewlett-Parsons DSc. Thorsons Publishers Ltd London 1968.
Pages 134 to 135.
This book was re-published in paperback in 1985.
The author has the following qualifications:-
Fellow and Secretary of the Register of Consultant Herbalists and Homeopathic Practitioners and sometime Vice President of the Guild of Naturopaths and Osteopaths.)
I’ve had this book for 40 years, but I’ve only ever managed to achieve holding up to 4 US quarts for ten minutes of the left side and ten minutes on the back. I would hardly think that there would be many who would be ALARMED, if they could not achieve the 40 minute retention. One could be forgiven for thinking that this was a disciplinary procedure especially designed to challenge the willpower of even the most experienced enema user today.
What do others think?
Is anyone else willing to try holding 4 or 5 US quarts for the full 40 minutes?
According to the author, you will be rewarded by achieving results at home, which are just as good as the more professional Colonic Irrigation Treatment.