Because our family of 6 were in a 2 bdrm apartment with 1 bathroom, there wasn't a great deal of privacy when it came time to bathe, shower, use the toilet, or get spanked etc.
I had a sister a year older, and two younger sisters. Grandma lived next door and was often involved in our upbringing. There is no doubt that she greatly influenced my mom and her son's family who spent a fair amount of time with the rest of us.
Needless to say, back in those days discussions about illness, misbehavior, treatments, school, and general topics, were often conducted with a crowd present.
Specific to enemas, we all knew when one of us was going to have, or had an enema. That even included one of the adults. While not always specified, the preparations, cleanup, and the wet enema bag were dead giveaways.
On one momentous occasion, my aunt told mom and grandma that she had to give my female cousin an enema when they got home. My cousin, and the rest of us giggled and teased the intended recipient who became emotional. My aunt told my male cousin he would get one as well. The rest of us thought that was hilarious.
Later on, my sister and I were sitting on the sofa at grandma's when mom walked in carrying the red enema bag. My older sister, who was more outspoken than I, asked why mom had the enema bag. We were told that we'd each be getting an enema. We went into a state of panic and realized that our teasing precipitated those events that evening.
While my sister got hers on grandma's bed, I got mine in the cold bath tub. I got to see the preparations for hers, but was excluded for the actual enema. I had an audience for mine, with folding chairs for the event. It was extra uncomfortable as the old green Palmolive soap was mixed in.
My cousins shared their experiences the next time we were together and we told of ours. We were much more discreet the next time when one of us were subjected.