We actually had a very interesting encounter last night.
I don't get spanked often. I probably give 95% of our household spankings. And, when I do get spanked, they are not hard or long enough to be real spakings. But, you have to be careful about topping from the bottom.
So, we had a disagreement. Got heated. Made a bet. And, I made a big deal about the loser not just getting a spanking, but an actual punishment spanking. Of course it was going to hurt. they were not going to like it, but it needed to be severe enough that they would learn have their facts straight before mouthing off. And, as it should turn out, she was right.
This turned out to be a spanking like she had never delivered before. I think she was trying to break the hairbrush. And, a deal is a deal, but it hurt, so I wiggled, complained, said it was too hard, etc. After a little of this she told me had had it and that if I didn't keep my end of the bargain it would be the last spanking either of us had. She got up and returned with a bar of Ivory and a pair of handcuffs. She put the bar of soap in my mouth (I have never been into this; had my mouth washed out as a kid and hated it), put me back over her knees, and cuffed my hands behind my back (absolutely not my thing). Then she held my cuffed hands in one hand, locked my legs into place, and hairbrushed me until I was genuinely red and my ass was puffy. I mean swollen.
To say it turned her on is an understatement. She was seriously horny.
Going to be interesting to see if this is a one time thing or the new standard.