Yes, my mother pulled that sh*t on me too once or twice. Wth is wrong with people? You need a license to get married. Well, society needs folks to get a license to procreate. I'm not kidding. You have to take driver's education classes and then take a test to get your driver's license, but you don't need anything to have a kid. There'd be less child abuse if people had to take parenting classes before each kid.
It's crazy how much child abuse there is and very few people even realize that they were abused or that their family was abusive. It's pretty difficult to acknowledge such a thing, particuarly to oneself.
It's *not ok* to put soap in a person's mouth or use soapsticks, enemas, suppositories, beatings, etc. as punishment. Not ok.
I get so pissed at politicians who abuse their power, but parents? Abuse of power by parents is unforgivable. Yet, I think it's human nature to forgive (or mostly forgive) once you are out of their reach.
It may be possible to forgive, but it's very difficult to forget.
And it's virtually impossible not to *believe* them, it's virtually impossible not to believe the things they said to you.
That's what I had thought, anyway.
It is virtually impossible to stop believing your parents.....until they are deceased.
Then it becomes easier. It has become easier for me, anyhow.