I just watched a documentary on the National Geographic Channel that is part of their Taboo series. It was about extreme corset wearing and was referred to as a genuine fetish. Most of the show centered around a 71 year old woman who has been wearing corsets daily since she was in her early 40s. It all started from her desire to look slimmer and progressed to an obsession. Her husband is as much in to it as she is. She began by cinching her self up with the help of a pole (similar to a stripper pole) attached to the strings. She would pull back against the strings to make the corset tight. As she progressed she kept ordering smaller and smaller corsets until he was wearing the smallest one commercially available. She eventually found a custom maker in Europe. Her husband makes a plaster mold of her in one of her corsets, sends it to Europe and has the next one custom made.
He cinches her up every day now. She grips an overhead bar similar to a chinning bar and hangs from it to stretch out her torso. He then laces up the corset by pulling on the strings with his knee in her back. Her waist now measures 13" after she's in her corset this way and they are constantly striving to make it smaller. They also claim her 13" corseted waist is in the Guninesses Book of World Records.
They enjoy going out in public this way and showing her off. There were scenes of her dancing, walking down the street and on their boat, but strangely enough, no mention of having sex while wearing her corset.
I've seen all sorts of fetishes discussed here but never extreme corset wearing. Are any of you other wonderful kingsters out there in to tight corsets or familiar with this activity? BTW: if anyone else saw this show and I've recalled it incorrectly please feel free to set the record straight.