Any ideas on increasing the chance?
From my anecdotal experience, some factors increase my likelihood of having a wet dream:
- The obvious one is time. The longer it has been since the last ejaculation, the likelier it is. So abstaining from not only sex, but also masturbation.
- An overall attention to health and diet, regular and adequate sleep, exercise etc. I believe this contributes to healthier testosterone levels and semen production.
- Wearing loose and comfortable clothing while sleeping helps to avoid wet dreams, and conversely, something pressing against the genitals, be it tight clothing or ending up sleeping on the stomach will stimulate them, making it more likely. You could also try wearing a cock ring (not too tight!) that could help prolong any erections you might have while you are asleep.
- Mental arousal before going to bed, by watching or reading something erotic will make it more likely to have an erotic dream later in the night. I did say avoiding masturbation, but a bit of stimulation before bed, while avoiding leaking of semen or prostate fluid, will build up some internal pressure that will increase the likelihood of having a wet dream.
All anecdotal of course, and maybe it will be different for you. But feel free to experiment. If it happens, it happens, so treat it as a pleasant surprise if you ever get one.