I've been examined by both male and female doctors, nurse practitioners, and other health professionals. If I have a choice in the matter, I usually prefer females. They are usually confident in what they are doing, but tend to be more gentle and explain things better than their male counterparts.
Unfortunately, I don't often have a say in who my doctors will be.
Right out of High School, I joined the Navy, (The first place I ever encountered female doctors on a somewhat regular basis) so I was seen by whoever had the duty.
Later I was medically retired, and the VA took over my care. Again, who I get depends on:
1. Whose on call
2. Whether you are being seen by a resident or staff doctor. (Usually the former, which means every couple of years, I get a new doc.) The problem with getting residents is that, because they are still actually learning the Ars Medica, after they do an exam, they have to bring their notes and findings to a staff MD. (Much like I had to do as a Hospital corpsman when stationed ashore) Nine out of ten times, the Staff doc comes back with the resident and redoes the exam!