Being catheterized is an experience, but it should ONLY be done by an expert. And, IMO not all nurses, male or female, are experts. Not even close.
First off, excellent sterile technique is an absolute must. You can see what it's like on several good YouTube videos. If you think you nurse is not doing it right, yell stop. Questioning the nurse is better than winding up with a nasty UTI.
Next, good lubing is essential. Most of the newer hydrophillic catheters are pretty slippery if the catheter is given enough time to hydrate… typically a couple of minutes, not 30 seconds. AFAIK, there are no hdyrophillic Foleys.
There are two options when lubing a catheter with gel… Lubing the catheter and injecting ca 10ml of sterile lube into the recipient. I much prefer the latter since the whole passage gets well lubed, making catheter insertion much easier.
The insertion can be a bit ouchie, especially when going through a man's prostate, but if it REALLY hurts… STOP! Also use a properly sized catheter. A Coude (elbow) catheter can help with insertion in men. If you are a first timer, start with a Fr 14 or maybe a Fr 16. Once the catheter is properly in and the Foley balloon inflated you should not feel it at all after about 15 minutes. In fact, you should not be able to tell if you are cathed or not by feel.
Once the catheter is in, you will completely loose control of your pee… utterly. No matter how hard you attempt to hold your pee, it will continue to flow. This can be quite a mind trip.