[A case of diaper fetishism]
[Article in Turkish]
Oğuz N, Uygur N.
7. Psikiaytri Birimi, Istanbul.
Some people cannot obtain satisfaction from ordinary sexual relationships; instead they prefer alternative methods. They are referred to in psychiatric terminology as paraphiliacs. Fetishism is a type of paraphilia in which a person is sexually attracted to objects and some body parts. Most fetishists do not intend to cause harm to other people, but may have problems when others become involved in the problem. Underlying personality disorders extending through childhood are thought to be the source of the etiology. Perverted people do not wish to change their behavior pattern. They never seek treatment from a therapist. Psychological issues obviously play a crucial role in determining the choice of paraphilia and the underlying meaning of the sexual acts. Psychodynamic models (object relations theory, self psychology, drive theory) can shed light on the meaning of a perversion. In this case report, a 22- year-old man with diaper fetishism is presented. When family dynamics are considered, the mother has been described as psychologically distant from her son. The fetish object was recognized during childhood at around the age of four. During puberty, the fetish object became sexually attractive. Our patient exhibited his first perverted behavior when he was six years old. Later, he could control this behavior. At the age of twelve, the perverted behavior became sexually arousing. This paper emphasizes the diaper fetishism case through the patient's past psychiatric and medical history. Diaper fetishism is discussed in the light of forensic, cognitive and psychodynamic theories.
Source. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15981151
What is a diaper fetish and how do you know if you have one?
In: Sex Education, Sexual Behaviors, Fetishes [Edit categories]
Diaper fetish (diaper love) is the desire to wear diapers (nappies) in someone who has normal control over their urinary and bowel functions. It is different from paraphilic infantilism in that it does not require the element of wishing to be treated as a baby but only the desire to wear a diaper. About one third of paraphilic infants (adult babies) are also diaper fetishists (diaper lovers)
Some participants simply wear the daipers while others wear them and use them for their prescribed function; ie: theyy urinate and deficate in them. A diaper lover who is not also an adult baby does not gain pleasure from being changed and will often change themselves. If you had a diaper fetish you would know it.