I agree also. If the patient is due for the vaccinations and needs them I will give it to them. I always let the patient pick the injection site. I suggest injection sites, but I do not demand.
I recall one time that I was going to give an injection in the hip because it was a particularly irritating medication. The fellow was in there with his wife and insisted he be given the shot in the arm. I said, "Okay, I'll give it to you wherever you want it but I don't want you complaining about it when it starts to hurt like hell." He assured me he wouldn't and I gave it to him in his arm and a few minutes later he started to complain about the pain.
I said, "I tried to tell you and you didn't want to listen."
By then his wife was joining in the show and said, " I am glad your arm hurts and I hope it hurts all day long because you don't listen to a thing anybody tries to tell you."
By that time they were walking out and I have no idea where the conversation ended with them.
In summary, I have to say that if people enjoy a necessary procedure, all the better. We need to get over this Puritan mentality that if someone enjoys something it is morally wrong. In other words medicine doesn't have to taste bad to work, medical procedures do not need to be painful to work, even though that is what we were raised to believe.