Agracier my friend, I can absolutely see and understand what you are saying. But I have actually known a few married couples who are not kinky at all but they believe in domestic discipline for lack of better terms.
Spanking for sex play is something I of course understand. A no-brainer.
But since marriage is an agreement amongst equals, or at least supposed to be and let's assume most marriages are like this. Then how can one equal partner decide to punish the other, without the second partner agreeing? In other words, without the second partner consenting and acquiescing to the punishment?
And if they still decide to punish someone without consent, then surely it is physical abuse?
I don't see how adult partners in a marriage (or relationship) can get around the actual consent issue in matters of physical punishment, without it then becoming abusive and incidentally, strictly speaking, illegal and grounds for divorce or restitution?
Maybe I'm too literal on this, but if a couple is going to punish one another physically, then at some point they are going to have to agree that it is by mutual consent.
Sort of like what Ricky and Lucy would do on the I Love Lucy Show.
I really wouldn't use that as an example of normality ... ha ha ha ha
But I have actually known a few married couples who are not kinky at all but they believe in domestic discipline for lack of better terms.
I've been thinking about my friends and acquaintances, married or couples, and from all the signs that I've picked up over the years, from conversations, allusions, from going on vacations together and so on, I honestly cannot think of a single couple who would, in my opinion, be comfortable or agree to engage in physical domestic discipline. Really and truly, not a one comes even remotely to mind. I just haven't seen any signs in any shape, way or form. And after knowing each other for 30, 40 years, I don't think people can hide such things all that well. There should be some sort of sign or indication, however slight or subtle.
Sex play I'm not going to even surmise about, that's a different can of beans altogether. But domestic discipline? No, I can't see it happening. Not that there are no arguments and rows and breakups (temporary or not). But one or the other actually laying hands on the other? I just don't see it happening.
And while we're at it, I see the same lack of signs that any of them ever spanked their children either. Strict? Oh yes, but without physical punishment - as far as I can tell.