This is Betty’s special baby bottle formula that she gives to Jon’s mother.
The alcohol is omitted of course. See In “JON The Beginning”
Baby Bottle drinks for the growing Big Baby
CAUTION; THIS "IS" FATTENING and full of calories
Egg nog doesn't need to be made with raw eggs. This is a pretty simple and classic nog that uses cooked eggs. Serve up any time that a babying time out situation arrives.
• 6 eggs
• 1/4 cup sugar
• 1/4 tsp salt
• 1 quart milk
• 1 tsp vanilla
• 1/4 tsp nutmeg
• 1/4 tsp cinnamon
Beat eggs, sugar and salt together in a saucepan. Stir in half the milk (2 cups). On low heat, cook until mixture is thick and thinly coats a spoon. Make sure to stir constantly. Remove from heat and mix in the last of the milk and the vanilla. Cover and chill overnight. Serve eggnog with a dusting of nutmeg and cinnamon. Egg nog doesn't need to be made with raw eggs. This is a pretty simple and classic nog that uses cooked eggs. Reheat and serve in appropriate baby bottle mixing in the cinnamon and nutmeg into the mixture
Coat the nipple with baby scent Vaseline to increase nursing pleasure.
Makes enough for six 8 oz bottles.
Make sure to use a full flow nipple (I prefer a NUK style)
Most people like a rum and bourbon mix (10 oz’s ) but I personally like a B & B (4 oz’s) & Brandy (4 oz’s) & Southern comfort (4 oz’s) Mix. Only suitable for really big baby’s
Warm to baby normal baby bottle temperature and nurse
Note: When using booze in the mix use more heavy cream to thicken
For the torture rendition of this drink: use a slow flow nipple
There are other mixes that you or your mother can put in the bottle for you, these include ; strawberry for the pink look, chocolate for the brown look, other chocolate for the brown effect. And anything that your little heart desires. ENJOY
P. S. Remember BIG BABY’S “DON’T” Drink & Drive!!!!!!