You'd need a lawyer in any specific country to find out for sure. Preferably not after you have already been talking to persons in uniforms!
In most western countries, having pornography/erotica of adults on your own computer is your own business, regardless of what they are wearing.
Photos of kids? You are a criminal, and frankly, disgusting.
Photos of someone who you think is probably over 18? See above para. Esp if age of majority is 21 where you live.
(I was involved in a running fight with persons on another board who asserted that collecting and looking at pictures of kids in diapers was totally cool. In their view, it was cool because they were dressed, not naked. I hold the view that looking at pictures of kids, clothed or whatever, for a sexual thrill is pedophilia.)
Photos on an employer owned computer? The employers business, and you are likely in deep shit if caught.
DL photos by their nature tend to set the authoritarian and religious types to wondering if what you are really interested in is kids. Would I cross an international border with a laptop loaded with DL photos? Nope. Who needs to carry out a real time experiment on the attitudes of the authorities at that border crossing on that day? And the fine points of the law of the country you are entering?
It's all basically common sense, in my opinion.