My choice of laxatives depends on the effect I'm looking for.
If I'm a bit constipated and just need a little help to poo, my preference is an adult bulb full of warm water, taken bending well forward while sitting on the toilet seat and retained until things start to move. The advantage is it's all over, beginning to end, within 15 minutes Such small enemas lubricate the passage and reduces harmful straining. I've seen silicone bulbs with hoses and nozzles obviously designed for this purpose but have not tried one.
For hard poo for several days in a row, my preference is Mitralax. Taken one or more times a day it is very good to soften poo but does not cause urgency in modest doses The common alternative, Colace, usually does little to nothing. When nothing happens, the dosage is commonly increased until here is a blowout' resulting in lots and lots of liquid poo Not my thing.
When the poo is not really dried out and hard, and just a push is needed to get things moving, a dose of Senna at bedtime usually produces a big result the next morning Depending on dosage and your individual response, the effect can be from mild reminder to an impossible to resist order… poo NOW!
If a purge is wanted, nothing beats a full 2 oz dose of Castor Oil while fasting, or the bowel prep purge of 4 Dulcolax tablets plus a gallon of Miralax & sports drink combo. Either of these are more purgatives than laxatives