How far would I go to "look like a girl"? Apparently I wouldn't go that far. For one thing I'm over sixty so I prefer looking like a woman.
I had GRS more than 15 years ago, along with a snip off my adams apple, a brow shave and a little nose reshaping all at the same time, but I have never considered myself very good looking in either gender. To further feminize my look I think I'd need a total jaw replacement to begin with, and at least over the phone people almost universally think "male" right off the bat. I've talked to women who've had vocal surgery and what I heard was very disappointing. And I haven't had any breast augmentation. Mine are just fine as they are. Still perky.
I do not dress in girly clothes. I have a dress or two in a closet somewhere but I wear jeans and T-shirts most of the time, turtlenecks in the winter. I'm attracted to women more than men, still.
I don't associate with men much at all. I'm a member of 2 organizations, both all women, both predominantly lesbian, and have been elected serve as president or chair of both of them, more than once.
How I look is important to me. I generally "pass" and I often get complimented on how I look. But mostly I don't want to be a counterfeit anything or look like somebody else's idea of what a woman looks like. I dress as I am comfortable, and as is practical. I know women who wear ties and jackets everyday, and others who are always in a skirt or dress, and others who dress like me. In fact most of my friends dress pretty much like me. And I'm fine with that.
So, how far would I go to "look like a girl".... Tell me, what does "a girl" look like?