Regardless of the gender of the physician performing the exam, has a breast exam ever been an arousing experience for you? Should there be a certain way the exam is being done for the exam to turn you on? I guess what I'm wondering is, is there a way the breast exam should be done for it to be an arousing experience?
It would be a sexual turn-on for me because I like the idea of telling a lady doc that I either have a lump in my breast (hopefully for a play exam, not a real one) or that "something doesn't feel right" and having her check both my breasts. If at all possible, I would prefer to fully expose my breasts without having to be completely topless. Just to unbutton my shirt down to my tummy and pull them out.
I like the idea of her examining me while I'm either sitting or laying flat on the exam table (I prefer the latter). I have both breasts exposed, and she palpates one breast at a time, doing that "walking" motion with her fingers, and also massaging her fingers in a counterclockwise motion along the edge of my areolas as she is thoroughly checking me for lumps and/or other abnormality.
Personally, I DO NOT want a male doctor touching my breasts, or any other intimate part of my body. But here's where I would make an exception: if I had one or two lady docs in the room chaperoning. He's doing the exam on me, I have an uncomfortable look on my face because it feels intrusive having a male doctor examine my breasts. Then when the exam is done, the female doctors see how uncomfortable I am. One of them lays a hand on my thigh and asks, "Are you okay, Trinity?"
My name isn't actually Trinity, but you get the picture.
Anyway, stories with your personal experiences are welcome.