I know this is an older thread, but aside from basic exam skills, setting boundaries, and consent I had a few thoughts for the general good:
- Get to know your play partner a little bit as a human being. Admittedly, exam play is a very sexual experience for most of us, but I think it helps to build some trust and comfort level if each of you at least as a basic level of familiarity. I’m not saying you each have to know the other’s darkest secrets (unless it’s med-fet, then lol), but make some effort to be personable.
- To build off my first comment, get an idea of their experience level from a fetish or sexual standpoint. For a younger, new person to medical play or just learning about themselves sexually, it could be a very overwhelming experience at first. Not saying it will, but the play doctor really be considerate that a newbie may have very intense feelings they’ve never had to process before. Giving some space to check in with the patient or moments that the patient can decompress if needed and communicate their headspace would be good.
- Additionally, medical play may be a person’s first time engaging sexually with someone of the same gender. Keep in mind they may be just curious about their sexuality, in the closet, or maybe they don’t care either way and just enjoy fetish play. I think a good play doctor should acknowledge this can be a big thing for some folks and give the patient an opportunity to talk about how they feel about it leading into the exam. Again, check in with the patient during the exam periodically how they are doing and be willing to adjust things accordingly.