I am looking for suggestions for a clean out procedure that will allow me to remain clean for play more than 24 hours later.
I realize that every body is different and results may vary. The reason for this request is that my SO and I get to play about once a month. A significant portion of our play is me receiving anal insertions and stretching from her. However due to life and children, my only opportunity to clean out to prepare is the night before. My digestive system typically runs pretty slow and only have 1-2 bowel movements per day, but I can go 3 days when away from home.
Preference: I have one 2qt enema bag and would prefer to keep it clean and not have to do complicated equipment cleaning procedures to keep it that way. Length of procedure should be less than 3 hours. I am starting after kids go to bed, and I need some sleep before the next day. I don't like the idea of exotic chemicals in my intestines. I do not enjoy cramping, but if some cramping/contractions would increase the length of clean time, I would be willing to try.
Current Procedure: location is the bathroom tub/toilet. Equipment is 2qt closed bag with douch tip. Solution is plain tap water. (Using salt water can have unexpected leakage later in the night or possibly the next day for me.) I start with a bowel movement. Next I do a quick enema to get the bulk of contents out. (This and all enemas are delivered high and fast. I take them in a knee to chest position, sometimes with my L leg elevated to encourage water flow towards the ascending colon. I rub my abdomen throughout to encourage flow, break up solids, and reduce cramps. After flow stops, I clamp and remove the nozzle. Next, I bend forward, and shake my shoulders and hips to encourage deeper flow and agitate the contents.) I only hold the first enema for a few minutes, then evacuate. Evacuation takes quite a while 30-45mins. Then I repeat 2-4 more times until generally clear. The first 2 enemas have more agitation, and less retention time while later enemas have less agitation and more retention time. However, I can never make it to 10 minutes of retention after flow stops. Also, later evacuations are shorter, typically around 15 minutes.
Current results: This seems to work about 50% of the time. But, I would like to improve on that. I stick to a liquid diet the day following clean out to try to not add more contents to the top of the digestive system. Fecal matter is not a deal breaker, but it does take away from the fun so I would like to stay clean. I have tried small enemas right before, but it seems like I can not get all the water out, and it just makes a bigger mess during play.
Thanks for all the help.