Definitely can relate to this post but more from my being the patient's perspective. AnthonyRT and I both enjoy a great day of medfetting-where he gets to watch and film a play doctor examining me. We both enjoy them on many levels, from Anthony getting to watch me [voyeurism], me being exposed [exhibitionism], and the overall thrill of being examined with fun, different instruments [medfet overall].
When we play, we both keep record of all the fun, and most erotic moments during the exam and Anthony will usually take notes so he can look back on them later. During sex and foreplay, he will usually have me narrate these details to him, which turns us both on tremendously. We sometimes talk about different fantasies or things we'd like the other to say or do "the next time". One such example is me being examined by the doctor, while Anthony is not present. Either he would be waiting out in the waiting room or, if the doctor was a concierge MD, then they'd come to our house and Anthony would leave on errands or whatever.
That is such an exciting prospect: to have the doctor examine me on their own, without any distraction. One of the posts above that referenced the doctor examining his wife and noting the slight differences between when he [the husband] was there, and not there, is exactly what I'd envision. Without Anthony present, the doctor may feel more at ease to do as they wish, and being that there would be no distractions, they'd be more thorough, and I just love and thrive in thorough examinations. 🤗
It would also give me the chance to really enjoy myself but to, most importantly, concentrate on all the little details that take place; that's my thoughts anyways. Afterwards, I'd be sure to relay the exam to Anthony. It's very similar to when I lay out on the beach whilst he rides his bike up and down the beach and I note all the people that ogle me as I lay in provocative positions i.e. my legs spread wide and high in a thong or if I'm topless.