I have a question for those of you who received enemas in childhood or teen years, about unusual equipment or practices.
I have not done precise statistics on this, but it seems to me, when reading people here, that most of those who received enemas as a kid or teen got them either from a small enema bulb, when there were little (most parents that use a bulb seem to stop giving enemas early, or change to a bag when the child grows; it seems rare to continue using a bulb or to use a bigger bulb) or from an enema bag (open-top "fountain" type or closed-top "hot water bottle", most often also designed to give vaginal douches), using a short straight rectal nozzle.
More rarely, the enema is given using a straight douche nozzle because it's longer and thus can be left it without holding it and without risk of it getting out unannounced. Some of you mention other nozzle shapes ("bat" shaped etc.) but it's difficult to see what they allude to without a photograph.
More rarely, the enema bag is replaced by an enema can or jar.
The nozzle is most commonly lubricated with Vaseline. Some of you mention KY jelly or equivalent, some cold cream.
The enema solution is most commonly plain water or soapy water. More rarely it contains bicarbonate of soda or even chamomile (herbal tea).
Enemas were given either in the bathroom (various position were used: bent over the tub, kneeling on the floor, kneeling in the tub, even on the back knees raised), or over a bed.
Are there any devices, lubricant or practice that I have missed?
(I'd rather have answers from those of you who were given enemas with different devices or procedures, I mean, first-hand experience is nice.)