I think you've been given a lot of good input. Humans are both emotional and rational beings. In my view, emotion often ends up being the decision maker. i ran a marketing business for 21 years, prior to becoming a nurse. Marketing 101 is people buy based on emotion.
That doesn't make emotion bad or evil, it's good to be aware of how powerful it is though, and how much it's a part of who we are and influences decision. i think this is especially important for men. You even elude to it in your post where referring to crying: "I'm a guy and we aren't supposed to do that." Guys have emotions, we are often culturally conditioned against acknowledging them though. That does not make them magically go away, it means we are less adept at managing them because we often are ignorant or in denial of them.
Right now, most of what you truly have is projection. Face time is very different from online, or even over the phone. It all can look great on paper, but that is not reality. i've had guys i was crazy about on paper, and even actually loved, but when it came to sex it was not good... at all. We may be using the same words, but everyone interprets stuff individually, and you do not know how that is until you actually do it. I.e., you've talked 'mostly' about sexual stuff. She from her perspective, you from yours. You will not know, for instance, if your idea of 'gentle' and hers are the same. There are so many subtle factors in the actual sexual act, be it enema or otherwise, and you will not know if you have chemistry, or enough potential, till you try it out.
Again, right now your excitement is real, and valid, but it's mostly based on imagination and projection, not actual experience. So i would say experience needs to happen and based on your experiencing each other, you will better know whether you want to take the relationship to another level.