When I was around 12, I was in the hospital for about a week with food poisoning. I had gotten many enemas before by Mom / aunt, and exploring with other kids. During the last few days of my stay, a nurse with a nurse's aid / Young assistant came into my room with a tray stating that since I hadn't had a BM, the doctor ordered one for me. The thought of getting an enema from these two was un-imaginal to me at the time.
This was my first encounter with a clear disposable bag.
The nurse hung this on my IV pole while the aid had me lean over on my side and opened my gown, then spread my cheeks for the "small" tube to go in.
The bag must have been a quart or more, but I probably had gotten worse before, as she commented on how good I took the soapy water. Surprise !!!!
They made me lie there until I had an "urgency" to go, then helped me to the toilet. Having a strange person in the bathroom while releasing was.... embarrassing ???
I got 2 more before I was discharged. Upon this, Mom was told to look after my bowel movements for the next several days. Nonetheless, bigger enemas with the "good ole" red bag happened. Compared to the hospital clear tube, the straight pipe nozzle felt good.
Now I despise these throw aways!