Recently I have found myself having more and more re-occuring dreams of wearing diapers/nappies or being back as an infant/toddler.
When I dream of myself as a toddler I can smell the pampers scent and baby lotion powder and even my clean clothing as in the laundry clean scent
And can even at times hear nursary rymes being played or spoken to me in the background, and see myself in my nursary/bed room as it was in 1981~1985.
In most of these dreams I am wearing diapers or am laying down in my cott/crib, although sometimes in my dream I am as an adult
or often times I see myself as a adult baby and other times this, can be even from the perspective of another person looking at my younger self.
I do wear diapers/nappies from time to time in real Life as you know, however when I am dreaming I have a deeper connection with my subconscious mind.
I was wondering if anyone else has vivid dreams of wearing diapers/nappies and if so why?
Because I have never been turned on by the fact I wear them or has any desires of another kind although in my dreams sometimes they are pleasant but sometimes nightmares as I do have one or two of those
Still to this day, as I still suffer from a degree of ptsd from being the victims of bullying as I have mentioned before.
Anyway these are just some questions going through my mind as I have awoken from another dream, apnd thought I would post this whilst it was still freshly vivid in my head as I forget otherwise.
Ps: sorry for the occasional spelling errors, as I was still sleepy when I was writing this coment.