Gentlemen, I have investigated this matter and I will share with you the results of that investigation. The short version is that Master Dorson, DrZ, and Webby are right: there is no cause for alarm, nor a need to take further precautions than you normally would.
I managed to dig up two Google docs files that serve as an outline or a script for the show, the longest of which is 24 pages. The shorter document contains posts specific to enemas, and was planned to be a reading unto itself, but apparently not enough content was gathered, and it was abandoned. The video was posted to youtube in October of 2022, but recorded in September '22. The posts, however, were all gathered between March and August of 2017. None of the posts were from a members only discussion board, they all came from publicly viewable boards.
The documents were also not compiled by a single person, but rather multiple people with permissions to edit the Google doc. I also have no reason to believe that any one person who contributed to the doc was or is a member here. This is further evidenced by a note in one of the docs informing people who choose to search for posts that new posts are listed at the top of threads (this is backward from most other forums), which is the default for unregistered users. There was one suspect based on similar names from people who complied the doc, but I have ruled that user out, and any similarity with usernames is coincidental. Not that it matters anyway, as they haven't been here since they registered.
Like bbw4doc said, be mindful of the information you post online, what you put in your profile, etc. A couple other things that haven't been touched on:
don't share your email address or instant messenger usernames in your profile, or if you do, create ones that are specific to kink and contain no personal info. For example, if you make a gmail account to use with Zity, don't give Google your real name (or at least no last name) when you register for it. don't use the same email address for everything, this is especially true for older members that have had the same email address for 25+ years. What if someone Googles your email address? What if other places you've listed it come up? What if some of those other places contain more information about you? Like a first and last name? What if Zity has your location? Well, now someone probably has all they need to find your Facebook page, and it's all downhill from there.don't use your username as part of your email address if that username is used multiple places.if you post pictures, beware the metadata attached to them. This usually is not an issue with digital cameras, because no one fills out all that information in their camera, but it can definitely be an issue with pictures taken on phones.