When we were kids, we knew adults got enemas, because we overheard grandma giving mom one when needed. The only problem was mom hated getting an enema and put up a fuss about it. Unlike her two sisters, who liked getting enemas as much as we did. Plus, we occasionally overheard grandma telling her teenage daughters, “before y'all get in the shower with the kids this evening, give them a couple of enemas first. And once you're finished with the kids, give yourselves a couple of enemas before you take a shower.”
Sometimes they both fussed at their mom about it, which was funny, because it was no secret that both girls liked their enemas as much as my siblings and I did.
One summer evening, while we were staying at grandmas, I got up to use the bathroom after we’d gotten a couple of enemas earlier in the evening from our young aunts. When I got to the bathroom, the door was pulled too, but not closed. So, I walked in not thinking twice about it, and got a big surprise. Both girls were nude, which was no big deal, having seen them naked many times in the past. They would give us enemas in the evenings before putting us in the shower with them for a bath. What shocked me, was seeing the youngest girl in the knee chest position with an enema nozzle in her behind with her sister controlling it. Being summertime, I only had white cotton briefs on and seeing the enema nozzle in her behind, gave me a hard on. The only thing I could say was, “I’m sorry. I need to use the bathroom.” Needless to say, once I had finished using the toilet, the older girl sat down and pulled me naked across her bare lap, giving me a good long spanking with her hand. It felt like it took forever but was only a minute or two at best. While I was using the toilet, I saw her get another enema bag, douche nozzle, and towels from the linen closet. Seeing that, I knew what was coming next, especially when she fixed a two-quart rinse enema.
When the spanking was over, she told me to stand facing a corner in the large shower. While I waited, my younger aunt used the toilet while her sister fixed a second rinse enema. With that done, she told me to get in the knee chest position on the second set of towels she had put down. Once I was in position on the bathroom floor, she lubricated my anus inside and out with her index finger before replacing it with the curved douche nozzle, starting the flow. As she was getting my rinse enema started, her younger sister got back down in the knee chest position beside me. Once she had my enema going, she started her sister's enema just like she did mine. The two quarts went in fairly quick, having received a soapy and rinse enema earlier that evening from my aunts, before my shower. By the time I held my third enema of the evening for five minutes and got on the toilet, it didn’t take me long to get rid of it. As I got off the toilet, my young aunt got up and took my place, to relieve herself. By the time I was getting up, my older aunt was already in the shower, and told me to join her. I got in the shower as she bathed herself, and when she finished, she gave me another bath.
When we got out of the shower, her younger sister had finished expelling and fixed her sister a soapy enema. She handed both of us a towel, tell me, “Dry off and get back to bed. You’ve seen enough behinds tonight.” I watched as the older girl dry herself off, as I was doing the same. By the time I was through drying myself and had my cotton briefs back on my sore bottom. The older girl was in the knee chest position, her sister had just replaced her finger with a curved douche nozzle starting her soapy enema, as I was leaving the bathroom on my way back to bed.